Day 23

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A/N: Please read Day 21, I dunno how it got deleted so I had to rewrite it and post this as a new chapter.

"Where the hell is he?" Samantha muttered to herself as she paced the small room. She was surprised she hadn't gone crazy by now. Or maybe she was since she was actually missing him. She punched the wall just to feel something other than the excruciating loneliness and hunger that she felt.

"How could he starve her like this?" she thought angrily. This was pure torture, even jail inmates got more food than she did. As she passed the mirror she stopped in her tracks.

Who was that person staring back at her? She couldn't recognise herself any more. Her hair was a dishevelled mess, her skin was so pale she looked like a zombie, her cheeks were sunken in she could see her bones and her eyes had huge dark circles under them.

She quickly looked away before she started crying again. She wasn't the type of person who cried that much, but down here she cried almost everyday. The sound of the doorknob turning made her heart skip a beat. She couldn't help but feel grateful that he was finally here.

She resisted the urge to hug him tightly as she saw him walk in. Despite how she had felt about him before, she needed him down here and she had finally accepted it.

"You came back," she whispered as a single tear ran down her cheeks. Dammit why did she always have to cry, she was so weak.

He looked at her guiltily as he placed the trays of food on the table and locked the door. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, I-I was busy."

"It's fine, your here now," Samantha couldn't hide the eagerness in her voice.

She noticed that his left hand was in a cast and immediately felt guilty. She walked up to him and was about to touch him but he quickly jerked his hand away.

"I'm so sorry," she mumbled. "Please just give me another chance."

He looked slightly shocked at her words and then he visibly relaxed as he held her hand and smiled. Samantha couldn't understand why she felt so happy that he forgave her. Despite herself she gently hugged him. She savoured his touch, it was the only human contact she had gotten in awhile and she never knew how much she needed it.

He stiffened at first but then he hugged her back tightly.

After they ate dinner, which Samantha gobbled up within minutes because she was so hungry, Jerry thanked her for her company and got up to leave.

"Why don't you stay for a while," she asked him as she dreaded being alone again.

"Umm, you sure," he asked surprised.

"Yes, please." She sat down on her bed and gestured him to sit next to her.

He looked at her cautiously before he slowly sat down next to her.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise," she said noticing how scared of her he looked.

"Why are you being so nice to me," he asked once he had sat down.

"I've realised a few things," Samantha replied.

Her knee grazed against his leg and he shifted uncomfortably next to her.

"Why are you so nervous?" she had to ask.

"It's just, you've never wanted to be near me before," he mumbled.

"Tell me something about yourself," she asked in an attempt to make him feel better. "What do you do?"

"Hmmm I work as an IT consultant."

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