Day 33

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"Inspector Morgan! Mr. Morgan! This is urgent!" Ben shouted as he squeezed his way through the throng of people gathered at the station that day. Usually the station was never this busy but today the waiting area was packed to the brim and all the officers seemed to be busy either taking down complaints or reassuring all the worried occupants.

DI Morgan was in the far corner writing down something on his note pad as a blonde man spoke to him. The anxiety evident in his shaking fingers. When the Inspector caught Ben's eye he gave him a warning look that said "Not now" but Ben just ignored him and continued walking. The station was in absolute chaos, he doubted he would make a difference.

"What do you want now, boy? Can't you see I'm busy," the bespectacled inspector looked up at him while he rubbed his tired eyes. It was then that Ben noticed the other officer seated next to him. He was the same one Ben met the other day and he didn't look pleased to see him.

Before DI Morgan could brush him off Ben held up the evidence bag with the letters inside. He knew this would get him in trouble but he didn't care, the longer he waited the lower the chances of finding Samantha.

"Bloody hell," the Inspector cursed and the younger officer gave him a knowing look, one that said "I told you this boy was trouble."

"You handle him, I can take it from here till you get back," the officer assured him and immediately turned towards the blonde man sitting across from him.

"Come with me boy," DI Morgan growled as he stood up and literally dragged Ben towards the back of the station.

"Sir I know what I did was wrong but I found something that could help you," Ben started knowing he had the Inspectors full attention.

"Oh is that so? So you played detective and found something the police didn't? You think you're smart huh kid? You wanna work here? Because right now we're seriously understaffed," the Inspector mocked.

"Uhmm no I don't think I'm smarter than the police, will you just listen to me," Ben protested but froze when he realized where the inspector was taking him.

"You just committed a federal offense son, there are ramifications for that."

Ben tried to squirm out of the Inspector's firm grip but it was of no use. He was stronger than he looked. Holding Ben's shirt with one hand, he unlocked the bars to a holding cell and hauled him inside. He then grabbed the evidence from his hands and locked him inside.

Ben now felt acutely aware of the other occupants who were looking at him sadistically. They snickered as he shouted at the detective.

"Wait! I found a fingerprint! One that matched another letter that was sent awhile ago in her name. I think it's the same person. Don't you see a pattern here!" Ben cried while he shook the bars from within.

DI Morgan stopped in his steps and scratched his head. "I swear you'll be the death of me kid."

He turned around and walked back until he was face to face with Ben. "Tell me what you found and what is this other letter you're talking about."

After Ben explained the whole situation to him albeit conveniently leaving Andrew out of the story, the inspector looked like he had considerably calmed down and that he believed him.

"So both the letters are now in here along with the evidence of you're findings? And this can be confirmed by our Graphologist?"

"Yes, yes it's all in there," Ben exhaled in relief. "Now all you need to do is match the prints to any suspect you find and they might just be the one!"

"I know that. You don't have to tell me how to do my job!" he snapped. "I'll match it to anyone on the suspect list of every missing person we have, okay?"

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