Day 39 (Contd)

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A/N check out the amazing poster above done by @lil-bad-gal
Thank you so much! I love it :)

I clasped my hand firmly over Samantha's mouth and her eyes widened at me. My other hand still held the loaded gun to her forehead and at hearing voices outside I instinctively pressed harder. She winced at the impact and struggled to move but my body pressing against hers limited her movement. Not to mention her hands and legs were still tied up.

I was in full blown panic mode. I never expected them to find us this quickly. This was all Samantha's fault, if she had only agreed to leave with me we would be on the road by now. But still, the police had outdone themselves. How the hell did they connect all the dots so fast?

It must've been that bitch Mrs. Chastain. She must've told them about seeing Olivia at my place and the police would've gone to my place to question me but found me missing as well. They probably would have contacted my siblings but they obviously wouldn't have known my whereabouts. So maybe after a few days of waiting they would search my house, but I had cleaned it thoroughly so I couldn't think of anything--

No wait. Oh shit. The wine cellar downstairs that I had turned into a room. The clothes, the bed, the broken table. Of course they found that. But I had hidden it so cautiously. And I had gotten rid of anything that could lead to Samantha but still, the room itself made me look guilty. And this lake house belonged to my family but it was all happening too fast.

Damn it, I wasn't thorough enough. I wasn't prepared enough. Why didn't I think this through, why... why? I should have just killed Samantha when she got me in trouble, packed my stuff and run away. Hack into someone else's bank account and use their money to start my own life.

Why didn't I? I stared at her as these thoughts ran through my head. Why couldn't I let her go? I could feel beads of sweat rolling down my forehead but I resisted the urge to wipe them away. I was so afraid Samantha would scream but surprisingly she was as quiet as a mouse.

I heard a loud knock on the door.

"Jerry Mathers, this is Detective Inspector Morgan. Please open the door and let us in. We just want to ask you a few questions," a mans voice boomed from the outside.

He brought three police cars and barrage of police men just to ask me a few questions? I call bullshit. I decided to just wait it out, pretend no ones here and then maybe he'd leave. But then I remembered the light was left on upstairs. Damn it.

I sighed to myself. Might as well pick up where we left of.

"If you set foot through that door, I will put a bullet through her head," I said loudly and clearly.

There was the sound of scuttling feet and muffled voices outside. I heard the sound of numerous guns being cocked outside the door. My heart jumped to my throat when I heard them try to open the door. Why weren't they taking me seriously?

"Can we have some sort of proof that you have someone else there with you?"the same voice said calmly from the other side.

I then released my hand that was over Samantha's mouth and gestured for her to say something. She seemed to sink into the couch, her lips were quivering and her whole body was shaking. She opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"Say something, " I urged impatiently. I needed to buy us some time to do what I had to do. But she didn't respond, her whole body was trembling and her mouth kept moving but no words came out.

"Fine no last words then. I just want you to know that I love you Samantha. I love you more than you could ever imagine. My plan was working you know, you were falling in love with me. We just needed more time. But since we don't have it now, maybe we will on the other side," I said morbidly.

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