3 Months ago

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I lay in bed trying to sleep but as usual I couldn't. I turned to glance at the alarm clock on the bedside table which now read 1.00am. "Great another sleepless night," I sighed to myself. My thoughts and worries had been keeping me awake for the two weeks now but I couldn't help but think about my current predicament.

Although it had only been a month since my epiphany about relationships and dating, my progress in the wine cellar was going even faster than I expected. The room was almost ready except the furniture and a few minor adjustments with the plumbing.

It took me awhile to figure it all out and the precautions I would have to take but once I started everything just sort of fell into place. I divided the room into a larger one and a smaller one just in case my guest would try to leave. I didn't want to use the word escape because she wouldn't be my prisoner exactly.

In fact I would worship her and treat her like a queen every day. I would cook for her, buy her clothes and jewellery or anything else she desired. She would be the luckiest girl alive!

The darndest thing was, I didn't seem to meet anyone I particularly liked which was bizarre because I didn't have the greatest taste in women. It was as if all the good women had simply vanished off the face of the earth.

I just couldn't seem to find anyone. I'd been on numerous blind dates and a couple of speed dating sessions but no one seemed right for me and my grand plan.

Yes, the women I met were attractive and definitely interested in me but there was always something off about each and everyone of them which I knew would be detrimental to my plan in the long run.

What was the point of going through all this trouble when I couldn't meet anyone special. I wasn't asking for perfection, just someone special enough for all of this but until now I hadn't met anyone that really caught my attention.

Maybe it just wasn't meant to happen. That thought had crossed my mind more frequently than I would've liked these past few weeks. Deep down inside I knew what I was doing was crazy and that there was a huge chance it wouldn't even work out.

I was risking a lot by doing this and I knew it. My life would cease to be normal if my plan ever did work out. But then again what was the point of a normal life if it was going to be a lonely and miserable one.

Yes my plan was crazy but what if it did work and we did live happily ever after once we really got to know each other? The "what if" was what kept me going everyday, I just needed to meet more people that's all, I hoped.

I had a long day ahead of me tomorrow. My sister had called earlier asking me to take her kids out for ice cream after I was done with work. She told me she had some errands to run so she needed me to babysit them for awhile.

I was surprised at first because she'd never asked me to take care of her kids before, in fact she hardly ever asked anything of me before. I wanted to decline due to the fact that my sister lived about an hours drive away. Just thinking of the drive there and her noisy ill behaved kids made me want to say no immediately but I somehow ended up saying yes.

It was so typical of me, always trying to impress my siblings who'd neglected me my whole life. She probably called me as a last resort, I was almost sure of it but I'd already agreed just now so I didn't have a choice.

I somehow managed to pull through the next day despite the lack of sleep. I was sitting in Mc Donalds watching Cathy's kids play in the small indoor playground with other kids. We were at the mall nearby her place and I was waiting for her to text or call saying that she was back.

I looked at my watch for about the hundredth time that minute, it was already 7 o'clock. Where the hell was she? I was bored out of my mind sitting here doing nothing but looking at the kids.

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