Day 7

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The past few days had gone by fairly quickly and the progress was a bit slow I had to admit but at least she hadn't tried to escape again and she always ate with me during dinner.

I would often try to start a conversation but her answers were always crisp and short. It was obvious she didn't want to talk to me. She barely even looked at me, constantly avoiding my gaze to avoid a potential conversation.

At first it bothered me tremendously but after four days I'd sort of gotten used to the silence. I was content with her just being here. The mere fact that she had started eating with me every night was a triumph in itself.

I was proud to be in her presence, proud that it was I who was sitting across her and having dinner with her every night.

But today was different. Today she kept her gaze fixed on me the whole time. It was so unnerving, I found it hard to concentrate on what I was supposed to be doing. She didn't say anything, she just stared and stared for what seemed like forever. Her brows were knitted in a frown as she studied me intently. It made me so self concious I wished I would just disappear right there and then.

Finally she spoke, her words breaking the deafening silence that filled the room.

"I just don't understand. You're actually quite decent looking. Someone like you shouldn't have a problem getting a date. Why did you have to do this?" She looked at me, genuinely confused.

She found me good looking. I smiled inwardly at her flattery. I could definitely work with "quite decent looking."

"It's hard nowadays, you know? Relationships aren't what they used to be. Last time people used to fight for the people they loved even if things weren't working out. At least they tried to make things work and if it still didn't, they would try again. People nowadays give up and move on so easily, they change lovers as often as they change their shirts."

Her dark eye brows were raised now. "And your point is?"

"Well the reason everyone falls out of love so easily is because we have so many temptations everywhere. Think about it, we meet attractive people everyday at work, at college even coffee shops and now we have the great social media where attractive people seem even more attractive in their pictures. If you are having relationship problems don't you think it would be so much easier to stray at this day and age?"

"You're not making any sense. If that were the case don't you think we both would've found our significant others by now? If its as easy as you say it is."

"Yes, it's easy to meet people and have you're fun, but the hard part is committing to them and not leaving them for the next best thing that comes your way. The grass is always greener on the other side but is it really?"

"Ohhhh I get it!," she exclaimed excitedly, which made me smile. Thank god she understood. "How many girls have left you for someone else?"

So much for understanding my point of view. "There have been a few," I muttered dully.

"How many?" she demanded loudly as she slammed her fists on the table making me jump in my seat.

I didn't see the point in telling her how many failed relationships I've had. It wasn't related to the conversation at all. "Why do you want to know? How many men have left you?" I challenged in a feeble attempt to distract her.

"None, I've been in two relationships both of which I ended out of my own will to be single and free not because someone else had tempted me," she answered confidently. I wasn't surprised, who in their right mind would leave some one who looked like that? But then I remembered Ben, her so called best friend.

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