3 weeks ago

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"Ninety- nine, one-hundred, one-hundred and one, " I huffed before collapsing to the floor. A hundred push-ups in one go was definitely a new record for me. Loud alternate rock music blared from the speakers in my bed room but it was the picture of the girl on my wall that had kept me going.

Those icy blue eyes made me want to look good for when we would finally meet. Hell I wanted, no needed to look better than good for her. I wasn't exactly out of shape but not necessarily in the best shape either.

Samantha made me want to be better in every possible way, from the food I ate to the way I acted. I wanted to be worthy of her and judging by how fussy she was I knew I had to be perfect. I got up and walked to the blown up poster of her.

She was so close I could almost feel her. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply wondering what her scent was like. The one time I had gotten close enough to her, she smelled of something citrus, a mixture of lemons and oranges perhaps. I wasn't surprised she smelled so good, probably tasted even better. My mouth watered just thinking of being this close to her and drinking in her scent.

I let my cheek caress hers for a moment before I headed to shower. "I wanna be yours." by Arctic Monkeys played outside loudly and I hummed along to myself thinking how aptly it represented my feelings.

Once I stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist I glanced at myself in the foggy bathroom mirror. I wasn't a narcissist, maybe even suffered from a mild inferiority complex but I had to admit I was impressed. As I ran a hand across my taut stomach I could see the faint outline of a six pack, it was definitely there and developing by the day.

I ran a hand through my wet hair deciding if I needed a shave or not. The stubble actually looked good against my skin which was somehow looking clearer and smoother than it ever was. I don't know where this new found confidence was coming from but I liked it.

At work, much to everyone's surprise I greeted everyone cheerfully which was something I almost never did. I even bought my favourite colleague a cup of coffee to enjoy, he honestly looked like he needed one.

"Jerry, what's up man? You've been acting different lately, you even look different. Great actually, " Aiden my sort of closest friend at work asked me as I sat down, the shock clear on his face as he looked from me to the cup of coffee I handed him. He also happened to sit in the cubicle right next to me.

"I don't know, man. All I know is that I've never felt this great before," I sighed thinking of Samantha again. That girl always seemed to find a way into my thoughts.

"You're banging someone new aren't you?" he smirked at me. "What happened to that busty blond chick I used to see you with?"

My blood boiled when he referred to Samantha so thoughtlessly not to mention thinking about my ex wasn't exactly pleasant either. But I kept my cool knowing he was not worth ruining my mood over.

"Nah, no one special. Not seeing her any more, too high maintenance, " I lied . The less he knew the better, I was surprised he knew I dated Olivia. I was what you might call extremely low profile around here. Barely talked to anyone, or had any friends and I never liked people knowing my business.

"Ugh, I hate broads like that. You empty your bloody bank accounts for them and it still won't be enough. Good riddance to that man," he replied patting me on the back.

It was weird, talking about this with someone I barely knew. It made me feel antsy so I quickly excused myself and went to the wash rooms down the hall. After buying sometime I walked back when a hand landed on my shoulder startling me. I looked behind to see Janice, my boss's secretary smiling up at me.

I'd noticed her before, mostly because the guys were all crazy excited when she started here. She was extremely attractive with thick shoulder length brunette hair, huge brown eyes which brought out her small face and a petite but proportionate figure in which she flaunted shamelessly in tight blouses and short skirts. Besides the occasional formalities she'd never talked to me before.

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