Chapter 4: Unforgivable.

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Present Day.

Olivia's POV.

I get easily bored when I don't have classes in the morning so instead of sitting around in my apartment and watching Netflix, I go for morning runs.

I always stop by Christy's on my way back home, I'm so obsessed with their iced coffee.

Which is why everytime I walk through these heavy glass doors to the Café, which might I add is very close to my apartment and to campus, I'm always greeted by the lovely aroma of rich coffee beans which fills my nostrils and the welcoming sound of customers around the Café chitchatting, even though Christy's is both a Café and restaurant, many people come in for the coffee, especially students, we all just need coffee.

My eyes scan the whole place and I feel like everyone's now staring at me.

I'm wearing leggings and a sports bra, I don't know what the big fuss is about but if it's about my bleached hair then jokes on them cause it's fake.

"Jack." I reach the counter, smiling at the employee who I only know from my ethics class.

"You love the attention, don't you?" His eyes drop to my chest.

"I'll have an iced coffee, thank you very much." I show him a sweet smile while sitting on the stool.

He turns to fetch my drink and my eyes curiously roam around the Café, I catch a lot of eyes on me, I even find myself wondering if I unknowingly switched bodies with a hot celebrity this morning.

My gaze freezes on the person sitting in the corner of the Café, the best spot in the house, right by the window.

He doesn't look away or wave hello, his eyes are just on me, not blinking, not diverting, and so not readable.

Is he trying to figure out where he's seen me before?

He really really must have seen me somewhere before.

What if that somewhere might have been three years ago, before I lost my memory?

"Here you go, gorgeous, drink's on the house." Jack drags me out of my thoughts, winking at me and everything.

"Thanks." I lift my drink off the counter, sliding off the stool and glancing at my so called neighbor.

He's still staring at me.

I hold his gaze, lifting my drink to my mouth, sucking on the straw and swallowing the cold liquid.

I groan at the satisfying feeling.

That's the stuff.

My hot neighbor scratches the back of his head, looking out the window then down at his open laptop.

I sigh, knowing that I have no choice but to talk to him now.

I approach his table, standing over him and waiting for him to acknowledge me.

He does.

He leans back in his seat and the first thing he looks at is the drink I'm holding. When his eyes slowly lift to mine, I feel a strange tightness in my chest.

Something between pain and happiness.


"Hi." I greet, feeling my heart beating in my ears.

"Hey." His voice is so low and deep.

"Can I sit?" I point at the seat across from him.

"Sure." He looks at the empty chair and I sit, placing my drink down on the table and watching him as he shuts his laptop, I'm guessing to give me his full attention.

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