Chapter 38: Infatuated.

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Three Year's ago.

Jace's POV.

My house feels weird without my family running around it, they're out of town for the weekend and I sort of miss them but Olivia is here and that's somehow better.

We took a shower together, she was shy at first but then I kissed her and she let loose.

We still didn't fuck but it was the best shower ever. Diego would call me a pussy but I think I'm finally getting the hang of that thing they call patience.

I'm willing to wait for her to be ready.

"Hey, who's guitar is this?" She walks into the living room wearing my sweatshirt, staring down at the guitar in her hands.

"Aaron's." I smile at her.

"He sings." She states.

"Like Justin Bieber, yeah." I chuckle, nodding.

"Cool." She swings her fingers on the strings and plays something short and quick.

"I didn't know you played." I squint my eyes at her.

"Then I probably shouldn't tell you that I sing too." She mumbles, biting her lip.

"You sing? What the hell, Liv?" I widen my eyes, clearly shocked by this information.

"What?" She lifts her shoulders.

"Sing something for me." I demand.

"Don't be a cliche." She giggles, shaking her head.

"No, seriously, though," I pat my hand on the couch, signaling her to sit.

She looks at the couch, then my face and she sighs.

"Okay, what should I sing?" She drops down on the couch with the guitar in hand.

"Some tacky, cliche, Ed Sheeran song," I say randomly.

"Alright." She grins, tucking her damp hair behind her ear.

She flutters her eyes shut and takes a deep breath, she then opens them and looks down at the guitar, she looks nervous but her fingers start moving against the guitar strings.

She starts singing her version of Ed Sheeran's photograph and I have this big fucking smile on my face, so big it makes my cheeks hurt.

I hear the sound of my doorbell ring but I don't get up, I don't even look towards the front door.

"You have to get that." She stops playing.

"No, no, no, continue, they'll go away eventually." I say.

"Jace," She scolds.

"Ugh, fine," I whine, bringing myself to my feet and hurrying to get the door.

"What?!" I swing the door open, "What are you doing here?" My brows knit together at the person standing in front of me.

"Is Olivia here?" He asks in a bored tone.

"No, why?" I question suspiciously.

He looks behind him, to Olivia's car then back at me.

"Look, man, I don't have time for this, it's really important," He says.

"Tristan?" I hear her call his name behind me.

"Hey," He tilts his head to get a better look at her.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" She now stands beside me.

"We gotta talk." He says to her.

"About what?" I ask.

"Can I come in?" He points his finger inside the house, I narrow my eyes at his stupid face, glaring at him.

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