Chapter 8: A Mess.

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Present Day.

Olivia's POV.

There are some days I wake up feeling depressed, I don't wanna get out of bed early, I don't wanna talk to anyone and I definitely don't wanna answer my phone or get the door.

My Mum told me that we all go through that at some point, that it's the circle of life.

We're happy today, we're sad tomorrow.

I hate this feeling, it makes me think about myself way too much, it crowds my mind with curious thoughts and then it goes, like for instance, today, I woke up thinking that maybe, just maybe, Olivia Conner one flipped the car on purpose, maybe it was a suicide mission.

I don't know how I would feel about that one, I don't even know why I've been thinking about that accident a lot lately.

Anyway, moving along, my new roommate Izzy from Britain moved in a week ago and lucky for me, she's not a bitch, we actually have so much in common, it's almost like we've known each other our entire lives.

I spend the day in my painting room, painting my thoughts away while listening to music.

By the time I decide to step out of the room, I'm covered in paint and I feel sticky.

I walk into the kitchen where Izzy and Myra are making dinner while sharing campus gossip and laughing.

I sit on the counter, letting my hand support my chin, smiling at how deep they are in their conversation.

Myra glances at me while laughing, "Are you okay?" She mouths, I nod, smiling at her.

I love her for putting up with my constant mood swings and not questioning me about things that I don't wanna talk about.

I wish I had a friend like her in high school.

"I have a confession to make." Myra raises her hand in the air.

"Confess." Izzy exclaims while Stirring the macaroni in the pot, Myra faces me before she starts talking.

"I didn't have friends like this in high school." She confesses, looking at both of us.

"Bullshit, you're hot, who wouldn't wanna be friends with you?" Izzy scoffs.

"I wasn't always hot, I had mufasa's Lion King hair and shit in my teeth and an ugly smile." Myra rubs her arm like she's getting chills.

Izzy and I exchange a glance and the room turns awfully quiet.

"Well, I was a fucking loner too." Izzy breaks the silence, shrugging it off.

I love how her accent makes the word fuck sound like fork or fack, it makes me smile every time.

"Me too." I huff, remembering how I always had my lunch at the bleachers and how everyone looked at me as that person who survived a car accident but lost her memory.

"If we're ever gonna fight, let's not fight over men, I hate when men break female bonds." Says Izzy.

"Agreed." Myra and I nod in union.

"Speaking of men, I call dibs on the hottie across the hall." I joke and they both scream in excitement.

God, they're so loud.

"I was just about to ask that, did you guys know that the hottest guy on the planet lives right next door?" Izzy points to the front door.

"He's Myra's friend." I laugh.

"And Olive's crush, you should have seen the sexual tension when I introduced them." Myra winks at me, I smile, shaking my head.

"Well, fuck me, why aren't you making a move then?" Izzy playfully slaps me with a rug.

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