Chapter 46: Chaotic Party: Part 2.

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Three years ago.

Jace's POV.

Dunkin's cabin makes this party feel important, I mean, it is important, we just graduated high school and we'll be leaving our parents's houses in a few months and we'll be all alone in the real world.

It's a little bit scary but it sounds ecstatic.

"Where are you going for the summer?" I ask Cass, passing her the joint that we came out here to smoke.

"New York," she takes it from my fingers, "I signed with a really good agency and I think it's time to give modeling my full attention," she says with a lot of certainty.

"What about College?" I shove my hands in my pockets.

"College who?" She places the joint between her lips and sucks in her cheeks.

"Seriously?" I chuckle at her response.

"Nah," she laughs, "I'll take online classes," she tells me.

"You have it all figured out, huh?" I sigh, looking up at the sky that rumbles with thunder.

"No one has it all figured out, plans change all the time," she breaths out a puff of smoke, "And you? Where are you gonna be?" She extends the joint back to me.

"Kansas, my uncle lives there and I haven't seen him in a while," I plaster a small smile.

"I feel like you're just running away from a certain someone," she pulls her puffer jacket to her chest.

"Honestly, I am," I huff.

"Do you miss her?" She twists her lips.

"She's my girl, no matter how much I wanna hate her, I just can't," I answer honestly.

"Aww," she nudges her shoulder with mine.

"Shut up," I kick a rock, embarrassed.

"You can always just get back with her and put it all behind you, start fresh and clean," she advises.

"You know, now that I think about it, I don't think I broke up with her because she cheated, I did it because I wanted her to date someone who's not me," I say.

"But why?" She asks.

"All my life, I've had girls throw themselves at me, making me feel like I could have anyone I wanted, it all got to my head and it made me treat girls like trash, I never took them on dates or to the movies or bought them things, I'd just fuck them, ignore them and then break up with them like it was nothing." I wrinkles my face at my own behavior.

"A lot of guys do that," she points out.

"Yeah but I wanted to do it differently with Olivia, she was special and I needed change but I still found a way to fuck that up too," I say.

"No one's perfect, Jace, the most important thing right now is that you know your mistakes and you're willing to change, you're going to be at a new school soon and no one's gonna know your name or your past, personally, I think that's the universe trying to give you a second chance," she tells me.

"Yeah," I nod in agreement.

"Is that...?" She trails while looking up at the sky, I also look up and a rain drop lands on my forehead like a rock.

"I knew it, I told them it always rained up here," I push off of Diego's car, "Come on," we start heading back to into the house.

As soon as we enter, I notice that everyone looks crazier than they did when we stepped out.

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