Chapter 12: Challenge Accepted.

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Three years ago.

Jace's POV.

I know I wasn't supposed to but I enjoyed my one week suspension.

Everyone would leave the house in the morning and I'd have it all to myself.

There's not a lot to do at home but I made myself busy with important stuff like smoking weed, working on my bike, watching porn, eating every snack in the kitchen and finally checking out Game Of Thrones, which was fire.

Time goes by fast when you're missing class, my week of paradise is now over and I'm back in hell.

Diego and I have a free period and we're spending it in music class since no one's using the room.

He's telling me about his night with Blair while I'm zoned out, gazing at the spot where Olivia and I had our first conversation.

I didn't think about her during my week of paradise, I didn't think of anyone or anything really, I just had time to myself for the first time in a long time and I let myself live in the moment.

It was like having a vacation I didn't know I needed.

But now I'm back to reality and I'm reminded of the fact that I'm gonna have to bump into Olivia and maybe even say hey.

I envy that boyfriend of hers, he's the guy who kisses those lips however and whenever he wants and he gets to stare into those eyes while fucks her.

He is one lucky motherfucker.

I drag my attention back to Diego, concentrating on what he's saying.

"... And then, we went back to my place, Brenda wasn't home yet so you could just imagine my inner excitement at this point and then she asked me if I wanted to watch a movie."

"What?! And then what happened?" I pretend to be surprised for what it's worth.

"Well, I won't give any details but tell you what, that girl has the best orgasm face." He literally gives me details, I snort a laugh.

"Atta boy." We bump fists.

In my opinion, a man's biggest success in bed is making a girl come.

A very loud piercing noise resounds from the school radio-system, signaling an incoming announcement.

"Jace Rodriguez, please make your way to Mr Hudson's office." A male voice speaks into the mic, echoing throughout the school.

The hell?

"Mr Hudson's office? The fucking counselor?" Diego's confusion matches mine.

"Yeah?" I question my answer.

"Oh well, at least it's not the principal's office." He shrugs dismissively.

"Yeah but the counselor?" I get on my feet.

"Bet he wants to tell you how it's okay to talk to someone about not playing anymore." Says Diego, I wrinkle my face at the statement.

"Oh, God, no." I mutter underneath my breath.

"Punch him in the face before he even finishes that sentence." He tells me as I head towards the door.

"I think I might." I respond, "Try not to day dream about Blair's orgasm face while I'm gone." I walk backwards, laughing at him, he shows me the finger in response and I walk out of the door that we didn't close for reasonable reasons.

Daniel Hudson, AKA the school counselor is my neighbor and my father's best friend, I grew up around him, he actually taught me everything I know about motorcycles and I taught him how to speak fluent Spanish.

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