Chapter 17: Doomed from the start.

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Three years ago.

Jace's POV.

I ended up at Cassandra's house.

She said she wanted to pick something from her house before driving me home, I followed her into the mansion because I wanted to see the inside of her house again but the second I jumped on her comfortable Queen sized bed, my eyes closed shut and I let sleep take over my senses.

Now I'm awake, I don't know what time it is but I can tell that it's pretty early.

Cass is still sound asleep beside me and I'm usually not an early bird, especially if I had a lot to drink but I can't stop thinking about what Cass said at the party.

I jokingly asked Olivia if she could break up with her boyfriend, I didn't mean it but the way she backed away from me then gave me that look makes me question things now.

Why kiss me?

Why tell me how you feel?

Why give me hope?

The fuck are you doing?

And then there's Diego, my so called best friend who had a long ass conversation with his neighbor and her boyfriend.


That son of a bitch fooled me, the whole thing he said about not seeing her around his neighborhood was a lie, she lives right across from him for fucks sake, of course they know each other, I have a feeling he knows things about her that he didn't want me to ask him about, playing the asshole neighbor card would not make me ask questions and I didn't.

I don't like thinking about things for more than twenty-four hours, it's stupid and pointless, hence why I have to put everything on lockdown and move on with my life.


I have to punch my best friend in the face and then I have to ask Olivia a bunch of questions, the same questions that Cass predicted the answers to.

No kissing this time around, I swear to God I'll control myself.

Doubtful but I'll still try.

I turn my head to gape at Cassandra's sleeping face, we both slept in our clothes and couldn't make it underneath the covers.

I like how we didn't end up having drunk sex that could have ruined our current relationship.

That's a first on my part.

"Cassie?" I whisper, brushing a strand of hair from her face.

"Hmm." She hums in her sleep.

"Wake up." I prop on my elbows, squinting my eyes at the large windows behind her.

"Why?" She whines into her pillow.

"I gotta go." I move my gaze down to her.

"Okay, see you later." She mumbles, I snicker.

"You gotta give me a ride, dummy, plus, what if your parents see me?"

"They're not around." She responds with her eyes still closed.

"Still, I'm uncomfortable." I say.

"Jace?" She calls, finally opening her eyes and blinking up at me.

"What?" I respond.

"You're a pussy." She sits up, rubbing her eyes.

"Pussies rule the world." I move to the edge of the bed and notice my shoes neatly placed on the floor, "Did you take off my shoes?" I look at Cass over my shoulder with a smile.

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