Chapter 45: Not What It Seems.

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Present Day.

Olivia's POV.

This is insane.

I've never even been to New York city, I've never even dreamed about visiting the city but here I am.

Cassandra sent me a ticket and she had someone pick me up from the airport, as promised, I spent the entire ride admiring the city, it's pretty crowded and everyone looks so busy but I think I like it, can't say I can imagine myself living here but a girl can't help but dream.

Cassandra lives in a penthouse and it's freaking insane, it has floor to ceiling windows that make me feel nauseous, the furniture around me looks luxurious and I could die in peace on the leather sofa I'm sitting on.

I've been sitting here for five minutes and she still hasn't come out of the shower that her assistant told me she was having. I'm getting anxious and impatient and my heart won't stop aching.

Can't say it's because I'm meeting a celebrity.

Whatever it is that Jace and his friend did to me, it's so important a celebrity sent me a ticket just to tell it to me in person.

What did you do, Jace?

How bad did you hurt me?

Am I going to forgive you?

God, I really like him though, I feel safe around him, how could he have possibly hurt me?

"Holy shit," a voice yanks me out of my head and I snap my head to look.

Cassandra Richardson.


I stand up, drinking her in.

Her blonde hair is damp, she's wearing a short silky pink robe and house slippers.

Fuck me, she's even prettier in person.

"Hey," I wave at her as she approaches me.

"Oh my God, come here," she pulls me into an embrace.

Holy shit, I'm hugging Cassandra Richardson, and she smells really nice.

"I fucking love this hair," she pulls away and looks at my head, I smooth a hand over my bleached hair, muttering a thank you.

So she knows my original hair color, which tells me that she really does know me.

A part of me was hoping that maybe she was faking it over the phone, that maybe she just wanted to meet the girl her ex was sleeping with but that's clearly not it.

"You want anything? Wine? Food? Water?" She offers.

"No, thank you," I shake my head.

I'd love to drink some of her expensive wine but I don't think I'll be able to swallow any liquid or food.

"Alright then, straight to business," she notices my nervousness and plops down on the sofa, I awkwardly sit down next to her, interlocking my fingers on my lap.

"I don't even know if I wanna find out," I say out loud.

"Trust me, you don't," she says more like a joke but I know she's serious.

"How bad was it?" I hold my next breath.

"Bad enough," she purses her lips.

"Did he do it on purpose?" I release a shaky breath.

"No, of course not, he loved you, or so he said," she shrugs.

"Well, how could he hurt someone he loved?" I try not to start crying.

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