| 5. Baba |

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"Wh-what?" That is all I managed to say

Is this really happening?

He smiled and walked towards me.

"I said will you marry me ." He said this time more seriously.

"Oh my god yes, of course, I will marry you but I am just nineteen I still need to study and I -."

"You can still study Silya." He interrupted me.

"I Imran I don't know what to say and how should I tell my dad. He won't accept the idea that I was talking to some random guy without anything official." I was now stressed.

How should I tell baba when he never talked to me?

What will happen when he comes to know that my dad left me?

"We'll act as if we never knew each other. Listen Silya I want to make this work and I want to keep this halal so I can protect us both from sin." He whispered.

His eyes made me feel emotions I have never felt.

How will I ever find someone who would want to marry me and be so serious about a relationship?

He was the man of my dreams and I am not letting this chance go.

And without thinking much of it I agreed.

"Yes, yes yesss . I will marry you ." I smiled at the beautiful man standing in front of me.

"You just made me the happiest man alive." He smiled back.

I walked back home eager to tell Mama and Ilan about everything.

"Ilaan Mamaa where are you ?" I walked into the house.

"We're here!" They yelled from the backyard sitting next to the swimming pool.

I grinned and walked to them carrying the roses.

"What's so important cupcake that you called us making me worried about you?"

"Mom I know where this is going." Ilan gave me a thumbs up grinning at the flowers in my hand.

She always knew what I was about to say before I even spoke.

"Mama I just got proposed to by Imran al Nouri."

Mama's face fell.

She was shocked I could tell but she soon surprised me with a heartwarming hug.

"Oh my Allah thank you. Congratulations my cupcake." She cupped my cheeks crying.

"Thank you, mama ."

"Do you love him ?" She asked me.

"Yes, I think I do mama." I smiled at her thinking of the perfect life ahead of me.

"Then you got my blessing my dear." She hugged me again.

"My best friend's getting married bitcheeees ." Ilan engulfed us in a hug earning a pinch from mama.

"Language Ilan !" She warned her.

"Yeah yeah ."

We all were hugging for a long time when Uncle Haider interrupted us.

"Why so happy love?" He asked Mama Ines.

She grinned at her husband.

"Our daughter just got proposed to ."

"What? Who? How? When? Why didn't you tell me ?" Uncle started to stress but mama always knew how to handle him.

"Well, the son of the Al Nouri's where she was babysitting saw her and liked her so he asked for her hand in marriage," Mama told him half a lie knowing he is very protective of us.

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