|43. His old ways |

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Okey stops attacking me y'all I know y'all wanna come and kill me for disappearing 😭 I'm not sorry cs I came with a good chapter.


The main reason why I disappeared, in Ramadan I try to get closer to my faith and it helps me a lot! Plus all the cooking and the food y'all know the drill!

Anyways you don't care u just want this chapter so here it is!


It has been two weeks since the unpleasant incident and life hasn't been the same since then.

Asad decided to take his family with him to Italy and start a new life there with his daughter and wife.

He took care of the business there and left the other business to his brother.

He decided to give life a chance not for himself, not for Inayah but for his daughter Naeila.

He let go of his grudges and just let it be.

Inayah was happy that he finally let go and listened to his heart.

She couldn't wait to start a new life with her little family. She heard that her father was still looking for her and she told her husband. He went to meet him and told him that if he loved his life he should stop looking for his daughter Inayah so he did.

Asad took care of her rapist, he killed him. The man who destroyed everything. He took his life with his bare hands not feeling even the slightest of guilt.

I guess when you get used to the coldness it consumes you...

On the other hand, Silya finally had the guts to face her family and it wasn't easy at all.

Ilan didn't talk to her as she was still hurt that she didn't come to her wedding and ghosted them.

She talked to her uncle Haider and Ines, she told them that she didn't want to bother them and had to face it all alone. They were at first mad at her but they soon forgave her. They saw how happy and cheerful she looked with Junayd.

That's all they wanted for her. They wanted her happy after everything she suffered from.

Her heart broke when Ilan wouldn't talk to her but she needed time.

She understood her rage and hurt.

Meanwhile, she was changing Junayd's bandage, his eyes examining her every single move.

He couldn't believe that he could possibly love her more than he already does but his mind betrayed him, and he fell in love deeper and deeper with every passing second of his life.

He didn't just love her, he needed her.

She was what killed him and what made him feel alive.

She was his curse and his cure.

She was his everything.

Silya's heart warmed up to him, he fixed her daddy's issues that she didn't know she had.

He treated her like a little girl, he gave her everything she wanted and made her feel safe.

She felt safe in his presence and that was enough for her.

She knew that she will soon fall in love with this blessing of a man.

He was Allah's blessing to her. His gift.

She knew that Allah wouldn't upset her.

"Indeed, with every hardship comes ease." Says Allah in the Quran the holy book.

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