| 9. Unexpected |

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I walked behind him to our room scared out of my wits.

I clenched my fists to reduce my stress.

"What the fuck was that ? " He attacked me with his enormous hands gripping my jaw painfully.

"Stop it you're hurting me." I tried to push his hands away but he pressed harder .

That's definitely going to leave a bruise.

"Were you seducing my brother you little bitch ?" He growled at me like an angry lion.

Ironically his name means litteraly a lion.

"I didn't Asad stop it please you're hurting me." I cried but he won't stop.

"Oh I'm sorry you want me to be gentle with you?" He made fun of me getting more on my nerves.

"Stop it please." I whispered.

He started laughing like a lunatic.

What's wrong with this man?

"Get your clothes off and be a good wife ." He ordered and I immediately shook my head as a no .

"N-no please n-not this please." I started shaking in fear .

"I'll do it myself then ." He got closer but I slapped him hard on the cheek.

"How fucking dare you!" He yelled at me and I flinched at his outburst.

My whole body was trembling.

He slapped me back hard.

I fell to the floor from the impact.

No one had never ever raised a hand at me .

I was shocked

And I thought I was miserable before hah!

"Don't you fucking dare raise a hand on me again." He pointed his finger at me as a warning and I spit at him.

Yes I spit at him.

His breathing got louder and uneven .

I knew I was doomed.

But I won't submit to this monster.

He gripped my hair pulled me up from the floor and threw me in the balcony where it rained heavily.

He closed the door behind him leaving me in the cold night all alone .

"This should discipline you ." With that he walked away .

I was shivering feeling the rain pour mercilessly on me .

My tears mixed up with the rain tgat I didn't realize when I stopped crying.

I curled myself in a ball and put my head on my knees.

Well I guess this is better than let hum touch me .

Before I knew it it was already morning and I woke up with a sore body .

I can't believe I slept here.

I sighed accepting my fate .

I got up ignoring the pain and got out of the balcony.

To my luck he opened the door .

As soon as I entered the room I was taken aback at the view in front of me .

There were two girls and my husband on the bed .

They were all naked under the sheets.

I covered my nose at the smell of alcohol.

I can't believe he drinks! And has s€x !

Well he is a mafia Zaeim dummy.

I was disgusted by the view .

I took a quick shower and wore some warm clothes.

I was feeling bored without my phone.

I walked downstairs and started preparing breakfast for the family.

Holding Naeila who had just woke up I was preparing the meal.

I set up the table and walked to the garden still holding her in my hands.

We both needed some fresh air .

After half an hour I put her in her little bed and walked to the dining room to clean up after them .

I didn't expect to see my mother in law still sitting on the table .

"Mother are you still eating or should I clean up?" I asked her politely because I respect my elders.

"You little witch." She got up angrily from the seat.

I was confused.

"Wha-." Before I could finish she interrupted me with a hard slap on my right cheek.

It stinged .

It hurt so bad .

Before I could muster up some courage to talk she interrupted me again.

"WHAT KIND OF WOMAN LETS HER HUSBAND BRING OTHER WOMEN TO WARM UP HIS BED HUH?!" She yelled at me embarrassing me in front of all the workers.

Tears poured out of my eyes .

She raised her hand indicating for me to stop

"Shut up!" She yelled.

"You're worthless you-."

"What's going on here?" Asad's voice interrupted her phrase.

"I'm teaching your little wife a lesson to learn how to furfill her husband's desires . I thought we were done with you having prostitutes coming to our home."

"If there is anyone to teach her a lesson that would be me mother , stay out of this." He warned her .

Did he just defend me?

Against his mother?

Nah he's just selfish he wants to torture me himself.

I ignored her and went on with my day which consisted taking care of my little Naeila and cooking .

I was dying of boredom I didn't know what to do with my life.

My life was so much fun in uni.

But that has been taken away from me as well.

A loud knock interrupted my thoughts.

I picked Naeila up and went to see who came and I froze when I saw Ilan .

"Oh my god heyy." She came and hugged the life out of me .

"Heyy I missed you so much." I stopped myself from crying .

"Me tooo. Hello there little baby ." She kissed Naeila who was oblivious to her surroundings.

The door opened again and I stiffened when I saw my husband coming in.

"Is dinner ready wife ?" He asked making Ilan turn at me confused.

"Y-yes." I nodded.

"Good girl." He walked past me glaring at the both of us.

This time it was Ilan's turn to glare at me.

"You're gonna tell me what the fuck is happening."

Oh crap!

Here's the chap for today!! Sorry didn't edit so don't mind my faults.

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