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Written on 1/11/2022

Silya's Pov:

I ran to the front door with Naeila in one hand and our bags in the other one.

I was panting heavily scared that he may regain consciousness.

I spotted a black Mercedes in the front yard so I ran to it .

To my luck he was already waiting for me .

I hopped in and put Naeila in the babyseat .

"Speed up." I yelled at him and he obeyed.

He started speeding and speeding and I sighed in relief.

"Did you get the file?" I nodded and gave it to him .

He smiled at me but I looked away.

I felt super uncomfortable at the way he looked at me .

"Good girl." He smirked at me and I shivered remembering that Asad calls me that .

Have I messed up by running away?

Why did he apologize though?

He was probably just manipulating me .

I shrugged the thoughts off and looked out of the window.

"How long will it take for him to wake up?" I curiously asked him .

"A few minutes." He casually replied.

"A few MINUTES?!! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME SPEED UP!" I yelled at him .

I was stressing like crazy.

What will happen if he catches us.

He will kill me this time .

He laughed at me .

He freaking laughed at me.

"Are you serious right now?!" I glared at him already regretting trusting him.

"Just kidding babe relax."

"Don't call me that." My voice cracked.

"Why not babe?" He put his hand on my thigh and I flinched .

I tried to put his hand away but he firmly held my thigh.

Tears started pouring out my eyes and I looked behind me at Naeila.

What have I done?

"You really think that you aren't paying me back for helping you run away babe?" He smirked.

"Stop the car ." I stressed but he only sped up.

My heart was racing.

"Stop the car please a baby is in the back." I cried but he doesn't care.

"Just one night with me . That's how you'd pay me back." He whispered and I sobbed .

"Nooo please." I shook my head .

We were now on the highway and he was driving very fast.

I closed my eyes wishing God would take my life.

The car suddenly haulted with a screeching noise.

I opened my eyes and wished that I never did.

Asad was right in front of us blocking the way with several men.

I gasped.

His eyes met mine and I knew that moment that I am as good as dead.

I muffled my cries with my right hand on my mouth.

He walked to my side of the car and I tried to lock the door put he was too fast.

He opened the door and his eyes were fixated on my lap.

I looked down and nearly gasped remembering that Junayd was still grasping my thigh.

I looked back at Asad and met his stormy furious eyes.

I pleaded him with my look .

"It's not-."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He yelled at me and took me by my hand throwing me out of the car.

He went to Junayd and grabbed him by his collar.

"You son of a bitch just declared war !" He growled at him .

Junayd chuckled at him .

"Is it because I got my hands on that file? Or is it because I fucked your bitch." He hissed at him and Asad threw a punch on his face.

His eyes meeting mine for a second.

No no no noo.

"Where is it?" He growled at him but he shrugged.

"I threw it."

"I don't believe you." He punched him again.

"H-he threw it I saw him." I told the truth because I saw him taking pictures of it and throwing it.

He let go of him and Junayd winked at me .

Disgusting brat.

That didn't go unnoticed by Asad .

He looked between me and him and closed his eyes calming himself down.

He went to grab Naeila and the bags.

He started walking to his car but I stood still.

I couldn't because I was frightened.

I knew that what he was planning to do with me was nothing good.

He turned around realizing I wasn't walking behind him.

"Follow me ." He gritted his teeth , his nostrils flaring.

I stood still breathing heavily .

I couldn't move.

"I don't want to grab you in front of my kid Silya." He threatened me and I finally moved.

I was walking to my death.

We reached home and he put Naeila in her room while I was waiting in our room.

I was so anxious and scared out of my wits.

I couldn't calm down in any way.

The door opened and just when I thought it couldn't get worse it did.

My heart was racing.

I turned around to look at him and my eyes widened seeing him throwing the cigarette on the floor smashing underneath his feet.

He was unbotonning his black shirt making me more scared.

The next words were what I was most afraid of.

I knew at this moment that he didn't want my body dead.

He wanted my soul dead...

"STRIP." He roared.

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