|12. Mysterious man |

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"Oh my God." Silya whispered when she saw blood oozing out of his abdomen.

There was a lot of blood she felt nauseous.

Naeila's cries stopped.

Asad hissed in pain and pressed his hand against his injury.

Shit shit shit.

What should she do?

She zoned out looking at her surroundings.

Everything was quiet.

His loud breathing was the only thing she could hear.

"Call the ambulance." He whispered to her but she didn't move .

The pain was unbearable but he learned to act numb.

He had learned to feel immune to the pain that he always manipulated his own conscience that he wasn't hurt.

She started having second thoughts.

This was the only way to take Naeila and escape from him .

Leaving him to die .

But the guilt she felt stopped her.

How can she let Allah's soul die ?

She wasn't the one who should decide whether a soul lives or dies.

She quickly got up and called the ambulance.

The nurse advised her to press on his injury and put his head on her lap to make his breathing easy.

That's exactly what she did.

She almost threw up when she felt her hands make contact with the blood.

He on the other hand just stared at her worried eyes.

He didn't utter a word.

How could she be such an angel?

How could she help me when I had destroyed her life?

He asked himself.

"S-silya." Those were the last words he uttered before he lost consciousness on her lap.

"Shit." She cursed trying to wake him up and pressing more on the wound.

The ambulance had arrived and they were now in the hospital.

It has been hours since he was taken to the emergency room and she was waiting holding Naeila in her hands.

Balqis came running .

"What have you done to him you little witch!" She yelled at her and tried to slap her but Imran stopped her.

"Mother she isn't worth it just let it go." He took her hand and walked her to the cafeteria.

Silya closed her eyes and let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding .

After a few minutes a nurse finally approached her .

"Ma'am your husband is doing fine alhamdulilaah, you can go see him now." By that she walked away.

(Thank Allah= God.)

She kissed Naeila's head and got in the room holding her even closer to her .

She was afraid for her.

She wasn't safe with her own father.

She walked in the room and he held eye contact with his wife holding his little child.

For the first time ever he felt guilty for what he had done.

He raised a gun at his innocent child's head.

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