|18. Pierced |

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Written on : 8/11/2022

Salam o Alaikom, long time no see ...

I'm sorry I'm slowly losing my motivation to write bc I have been busy with uni so sorry :(

I will try my best to update more often.

Love you <3

Plottwist coming soon so don't worry the book is NOT gonna be boring.

Silya's Pov:

"Goodmorning." I heard Asad's ruff voice waking me up from my deep slumber.

I can't remember the last time I slept like this .

I opened my eyes only to see this creep staring at mine while playing with my hair.

Has he banged his head on a wall?

"Shit Naeila and breakfast." I shot up from the bed hurrying to go check up on her .

But he stopped me.

"No it's okay I have called two maids to do the chores and a nanny to look after Naeila . So from now on you are my wife not my servant you can relax ." He whispered whilst still playing with my locks.

Is he going crazy?

He forgave me yesterday when I litteraly ran off with his child and his ennemy.

And now he is telling me that he wants me to be his wife ?

Was he serious about giving this marriage a chance?

I would've swore that he was manipulating me if it weren't for the angelic smile plastered on his face.

He never smiled .

His smile was usually so evil and held hate but this one was so genuine and heartwarming.

My heart was beating very fast at the way he was staring at me .

His gaze was soft .

I was blushing under his stare so I adverted my gaze .

What was this calmness I was feeling in his hold?

I usually felt super excited and nervous around Imran the a**hole whom I thought I loved .

But this man? He was a storm and a mess but somehow made me feel calm and relieved .

What the hell is happening?

"Uhm why?" I finally menaged to ask him.

"I told you that we will make this work ." He held my hand and drew circles on it.

The feeling in my heart was so abnormal and new to me but I ignored it .

"Are you sure you're not doing some kind of revenge because I tried to run away with him?"

"No never. The mafia will face some consequences because of the file that you gave him but nothing that Asad can't fix . I'm the lion of the jungle after all ." He playfully smirked at me and ruffled my hair .

"Thank you." I genuinely thanked him in a low whisper.

"No I am sorry for everything that I have put you through you were innocent and making you pay for your father's sins was sick and ruthless and if someone had ever done that to my child I would have went crazy so , Silya forgive me." He smiled at me cupping my cheeks.

"I still need time it's not easy." I gave him my honest opinion but he surprisingly took it well.

"It's okay I understand." He kissed my forehead.

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