|22. Love hate. |

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⚠️Plottwist coming soon! Stay tuned

"I hope you're kidding Asad otherwise I will smack you right in your ugly face!" I gritted my teeth at him because I was so irritated at him already.

He made us miss our flight because mister was too busy with his hair in the mirror so we were too late and the gates were closed.

Now he is telling me that there is no flight home in less than 16 hours.

"Wallah I'm serious look for yourself if you don't believe me !"

"Uffffff I literally hate you so much why did I even agree to come with you on this stupid vocation in the first place!" I whisper yelled at him so the people around us won't overhear our conversation .

"Oh shut up I know you enjoyed it more than me ." He winked at me referring to last night when I was too sleepy that I slept on his fricking chest for the whole night!

I can't stop embarrassing myself for once!

"You seriously have the audacity to talk back to me Asa-." Before I could finish my sentence he kissed the side of my lips suprising me.

I was shocked and stood still .

I couldn't move from the shock and I could already feel heat creeping up my cheeks and ears.

My heart thumping very fast and those weird emotions doing weird things to my belly appeared again.

I was just standing there like a weirdo staring at him while he was staring back with a slight smirk plastered on his face , if I wasn't standing so close to him I would've sworn it wasn't there.

Damn this wicked man!

"What Silya? If you want me to kiss you again just ask me nicely. You know I would die to do it a thousand times." He winked and I punched his chest .

"Oh my god are you mad ?! Why did you do that !" I glared at him holding back my smile that wanted to appear on my face so bad.

"To shut you up. And ot worked ." He teased me again.

"I can't believe that you are still having the audacity while you are the cause for us to stay here for sixteen hours !" I scolded him pushing his chest.

"Wow go easy there woman." He took my hands away.

"Why would I?"

"Go easy there is something precious behind this chest." He looked down at me and my neck already hurt from looking up the whole time .

"Like what? A heart? Please don't start with that we all know you don't have one ." I sarcastically snorted at him but that went really wrong.

I saw how he looked away from my eyes and gulped.

"I was gonna say you were there but whatever let's go sit and wait for the flight." He took our luggage without a second glance at me and walked away.

I followed him feeling guilty as hell .

Why did you say that you stupid girl?!

I mentally scolded myself.

I didn't think it will affect him like that!

But he opened up to me so much I shouldn't have said that.

I feel so bad I have to make it up to him.


We have been waiting in silence for fourteen hours .

We slept a little in the mosque  that was located in this airport which was super cool.

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