|33. Smiles |

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Guuuuys someone commented that they think Silya should end up with Junayd???

What do you think? Should I make it work??

I don't know how to feel about it tho😂

Have fun reading!


Asad was taken aback by the beautiful lady on his friend's lap.

Her smile was bewitching him and her eyes...

Her eyes were so familiar yet so unfamiliar.

Something about them made his head hurt exactly where his injury was.

He closed his eyes holding his head tightly to stop the headache.

Silya saw him and immediately got up to help him sit.

Junayd tried to stop her out of jealousy but she was too fast.

She held his arm to give him balance.

Her heart was throbbing and so was his.

He didn't know what this feeling was.

He sat on the couch next to the desk and let out a sigh of relief.

"What brings you here mate?" Junayd questioned his enemy already irritated by his interruption.

"I came here to get an explanation of what is happening to me." Asad's voice turned stern.

Junayd looked at Silya signaling for her to leave the room.

She did as she was told and left with no word said.

But she didn't expect to see her.

It was like a reality check for her.

Her presence reminded Silya that she has no place in her home anymore.

But she couldn't resist Naeila's cute little face. She has grown up so fast in the past weeks.

She walked to her and asked Inayah for permission.

"May I?" She politely asked.

Inayah smiled at her understandingly and handed Naeila to her.

The little angel opened her arms reaching to get held.

At that innocent move, Silya broke into tears and held her in her arms.

She hugged and sniffed her baby's scent missing it more than anything.

A tear escaped Inayah's eyes feeling bad for her.

She felt blameworthy.

She was the reason why this woman was hurting.

She reminded her of herself.

She couldn't take it anymore so she had to cry her heart out.

"Excuse me for a second."She excused herself and walked out of the building.

The moment she reached the garage department she fell to the floor crying her heart out.

"Why Allah? Why me? I'm in pain I know that you can hear me please make this stop. Please make him remember his wife and reunite them, please give me rest. I just want my heart to rest my Lord."She whispered the last part sobbing.

But she wasn't alone in that garage.

He was there smoking watching this broken angel cry to her Lord.

A tear escaped his eye seeing such a pure soul get tortured.

He quickly wiped the tear and walked to her.

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