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Hana's phone almost fell out of her hands, a few students were already staring at her.

She felt the urge to cry, but she didn't. She wants to stay strong and show everyone that it isn't true.

What he wrote indeed wasn't true, yes, she kissed around three guys, but she never fucked them and never would.

Also, her heart belongs to someone, that's why she pushed Niki away yesterday. She doesn't want anyone to get false hopes.

At lunch, she immediately went to the roof top, wanting to spare the stares and whispers from students. It was just like when Jay exposed her about the letters.

Why does that always happen to her?

The other post's from Sungchan are even worse, two at least, she doesn't want to know how they feel. It must be terrible.

Jay's pov:

I probably asked everyone in this school if they have seen her. I got a lot of weird stares, since they a have read the post from Sungchan.

I feel sorry, I really do, alltough it's not my fault. I believe that she didn't do anything like that, at least not with me.

The last spot where she could be is the roof top, so I run up the stairs and start breathing heavily while grabbing onto my knees, my stamina is really bad.

I open the door and look around, seeing a petite body looking into the opposite direction of where I am.

"There you are." She quickly turned around and stopped chewing.

When she saw me, she didn't even answer and continued to do the task she had been doing before.

"I saw the post," I sigh. "I'll tell Sungchan to delete it."

"What makes you think he'll do that? And it wouldn't change anything, everyone probably read it."

"Cmon, I'm Jay Park." She finally smiled at my remark.

I sat down beside her and waited until she finished eating. I took the water bottle I bought with me and gave it to her.

"Jay." I just noticed the tears coming out of her eyes and start hugging her.

"What's wrong?" No answer, instead I hear sobs coming from her.

"Hana." I took her soft hand, while the roof top was filled with her loud sobs.

"Look at me." She looked at me, her red eyes and puffy and her face completely wet.

"I'll talk to him, don't worry. It's okay to cry, but show them that you're strong, especially Sungchan. Alright?" I say while wiping her face dry with my shirt, which was now painted with black spots from her make-up.

"Sorry." I heard her mumble.

After a while I managed to calm her down, there were only 10 minutes left until next class started, and she looked like a total mess.

We sat there, staring at each other's eyes, and her eyes are beyond beautiful.

But not as beautiful as someone else's eyes.

"Your eyes are so beautiful." I lie.

She smiles, and all I can see is the love she has for me. I feel bad.

I feel bad, because when she smiles, I see someone else's face.

She slowly grabbed my face and began to kiss me, my lips tighten.

I feel someone else's lips, and tears almost escape my eyes.

What kind of man are you?


3rd person's pov:

Heeseung went into the classroom 10 minutes earlier, he wanted to study a little bit and prepare himself for the next lesson.

He saw multiple people standing around Hana's desk.

"What are you doing?" The students turned around and looked at him with open mouths, like they just saw a ghost.

Everyone hurried out of the classroom and Heeseung walked over to Hana's desk, it was completely vandalized.

There wasn't one single space left in between the sentences and words.

"Oh no.." He muttered to himself. Without anymore thinking, he closed the door and went over to the sink.

He took some tissues, soap and disinfectant, since it was the only things left.

He started cleaning her desk and luckily, everything came off. The scent of fresh marker and disinfectant mixed up and he scrunched his nose, it wasn't pleasing at all.

"I hope this is the first and last time they do this." He whispered to himself, alltough he knew that the students would probably continue.

He doesn't want Hana to see her desk being vandalized, so he knew excactly what to do.

Heeseung sat back down and took his notes out, there wasn't any time for studying left now.

Students walk in one by one, some being suprised about Hana's desk being clean again, which made Heeseung angrily laugh to himself.

He saw Jay and Hana walking in together, laughing and looking at each other like there's no one else. Heeseung clenched his fist until he saw Sunghoon coming in.

They did their handshake and smiled at each other.

"Did you study?" He asked.

"I wanted to."

"What happened?"

"Uh, I just came here too late." Sunghoon nodded but didn't believe him.

As soon as Hana sat down, the smell of disinfectant hit her nose. She loved the smell, if it wasn't too strong.

She looked over to Jay a few times, but he didn't really pay attention to her, which made her pout.

Hana started hearing the whispers behind and in front of her, but she decided to ignore them. She knows what she has done and didn't do, and that's what important. As long as her friends believe her, which they luckily do.

She looked behind her, just to see Heeseung looking at her. She quickly turned to the front again, because she heard the teacher coming.

She couldn't concentrate in class, the only thing on her mind was Jay. The kiss was with so much passion and love.

That's what she thought.

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