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"Let's go to my house, Hana."


"No way you did that!" Hana said while laughing and clapping her hands.

"I was seven, okay? It happens to everyone."

"It never happened to me, though."

Both were sitting now on Heeseung's bed, telling each other embarassing stories from the past.

Hana heard her phone ringing behind her. She turned around and grabbed it, only to see an incoming call from Jay.

She quickly declined it and turned off her phone to not get disturbed while talking again.

She faced Heeseung again, seeing him staring at her lips intensely.

"Do I have something on my face?" She asked and mentally facepalmed herself for saying that out loud due to nervousity.

"Yeah, you actually do."

"Oh? Where?"

"Wait, let me get it off for you."

Heeseung closed his eyes and just smashed his lips on hers.

She was suprised, but she closed her eyes as fast as possible and they started moving their lips in sync.

Both felt butterflies in their stomach and an adrenaline rush through their bodies.

Heeseung grabbed her waist and sat her onto his lap without interrupting the kiss even once.

He slowly slid his hand on her thigh, which caused Hana to whimper and Heeseung smirking into the kiss.

The kiss got more intense as time passed by, and Hana also started feeling a slight bulge pressing against her. She knew excactly what it was, she wasn't dumb.

That was also when Hana realized that she should stop their little make out session now, or else they would be doing more than she actually wanted for now.

When she pulled back and went off his lap, he looked at her with big doe eyes.

"I'll be right back, okay?" Heeseung said while sprinting to the door, not leaving Hana any time to respond.

She sighed as she knew what he would be doing now. She decided to look around his room once again, since it would probably take a while until he came back.

She looked around and saw a tall and pretty shrine standing there, with photo books inside of it.

Out of curiosity she opened the shrine and took a book out of it, it wasn't there before.

Hana slowly flipped through the book while smiling to herself as she sees pictures of Heeseung with his friends and parents, looking happier than ever.

However, her smile quickly dropped when she saw pictures of her she never knew existed.

There was Hana eating in the cafeteria, swimming in Sunoo's pool, laughing with her friends and also walking home.

She quickly placed the book in it's right place, because she started hearing noises outside of Heeseung's bedroom.

"Hana." Heeseung called her after she made it to the bed right on time.

"Come here." He said, which made Hana walk over to him.

They were standing now in the long hallway, one being more clueless than the other.

Suddenly, he harshly pushed her against the wall.

"Is something wrong?" She asked him, still being weirded out by the pictures.

Heeseung however ignored her question and grabbed her hands and started kissing her again.

She kissed him back, she didn't have any other choice and Heeseung knew that. As she melted into the kiss, she completely forgot about the creepy pictures she saw just now.

After a few minutes of making out in the hallway again, Heeseung pulled back.

"You know, kissing isn't enough for me."

"What do you mean?" She curiously asked him, alltough she already knew the answer.

He softly dragged her into his bedroom again and pushed her on his bed.

He went on top of her and slowly started caressing her breast while kissing her again.

Hana pushed him away and before he could say something, it was now Hana who was on top which made Heeseung smirk.

She started kissing his neck while sliding her hand under his shirt. The unexpected move from Hana made Heeseung moan softly, so she continued.

His neck was now filled with hickies, just how her neck looked like weeks ago.

He ran his thumb over her bottom lip while Hana combed his hair with her hands.

"It may sound weird, I know. But can we do a little bit more?"

"Of course."


"I can't believe you, Jay." Jake shouted while hiding his face in the palms of his hands.

"What? I'm telling the truth."

"I know! But how can someone be that dumb and mess up their chance so bad?"

"Are you jealous?" Jay asked while laughing.

"You already know the answer, no need to play dumb."

"It's not my fault, hm? You should've made a move months ago." Jay told him while pressing his lips into a thin line.

"I'm sorry to disturb your moment, but where are your glasses Jay?"

"You're wearing them, Niki."

"Oh yeah thanks." Niki said while touching his face.

"She didn't even pick up my calls, Jake! How is this my fault?" Jay looked at Jake again, who was now at the end of his nerves.

"Isn't she with Heeseung now?" Jungwon chimed in.

"Oh my god, I completely forgot! Whore." Jay whispered the last part, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What did you just say about her?" Sunghoon aggressively asked while standing up and walking towards Jay.

"It's the truth, isn't it? She's probably fucking Heeseung now, they're alone."

"And? Why is it your concern? Just because she's fucking with one person, you can't call her a whore."

"Use your brain, Sunghoon. She would probably fuck everyone in this room right now, including Riki and Sunoo."

"I'm a kid!" Niki screamed while covering his ears.

"Oh my god Jay, you finally made Niki call himself a kid!"

"Shut up! That's not the point, Sunoo. And Niki, you know it's true."

"You're so weird."

"No I'm not." Jay replied while walking to the front door and putting on his shoes.

"What are you doing?" Jungwon asked him.

"Ruining their little moment."

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