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Days have passed now and Jay and Hana haven't talked since the accident that had happened on the roof.

Today was another day where Heeseung would step into school, being really exhausted due to lack of sleep. He didn't mind tho.

Not a single student was seen, only teachers and janitors lingered around the school.

As he walked into his classroom, he yawned, making a tear fall out of his eye.

He walked over to Hana's desk, and it was vandalized again. Everyday, no matter at which time he came, her desk was always slapped with a new pair of malice. Sometimes it even still smelled fresh.

He cleaned her desk just like the past week. When he was done, he went to his own and sat down, his chin in the palms of his hands.

Not realizing that he fell asleep, he suddenly woke up because someone kept tapping his shoulder. He was about to shout at the person, until he saw Hana sitting next to him, smiling.

"Is something wrong? Why are you sleeping here?"

"Oh, no don't worry. I actually wanted to study but fell asleep before I could do so." Hana nodded and put the few strands of his hair in his face behind his ear.

Suddenly, she felt hard chest pain. She couldn't really breath and Heeseung just looked at her, being worried and not knowing what to do.

He hugged her when it seemed to stop.

"Are you sick?" He asked while staring her in her eyes.

"No! My friends also have that kind of chest pain, don't worry." Heeseung nodded at her reply, still being worried.

"Okay, but next time I'll take you to the hospital." He said, which made both chuckle.

"But I guess it should be fine, I have that too sometimes." He added.

"Ah, lesson's starting now, lets talk later." She said while pointing at the teacher, who just came into the classroom.

Hana hurried to her seat and smelled the fresh disinfectant again, she really loved the smell.

"So you remember that we talked about a possible trip, right? We could drive to Busan, but only for four days."
Hana sighed at her teacher's statement while the other students started cheering.

She kind of hated trips at school. Not because of her class, but because she was always too lazy to pack her stuff.

"If you're not 18 yet, you'll receive a letter from me next week. Your parents must sign it, or else you can't come with us."

Luckily, Hana turned 18 in a week or so. She doesn't want to annoy her mother with useless things to sign before she'll move to Australia.

While Hana was paying attention to class and actually writing notes, the others didn't care at all. Instead, they texted each other in a groupchat without Hana in it, planning her birthday already.


we can just act like we forgot

omg and then burst into her house with bunch of gifts and a cake

shrek cake

no it will hurt her

do we even have school on that day?

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