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Lewis and Max were both in.the same room for their media duties later on and in the eyes of most of the drivers, somebody had the brilliant idea of seating them next to eachother. The other three drivers in the press conference were Pierre, Alex and Fernando. They happened to be at monza where Max and Lewis had crashed the year before. Everything that was said or done in front of the cameras had been for show. They were both very apologetic towards eachother. Anyway, the press conference had been going fine, what with most of the questions being about how the car feels and how the driver feels that they are going to do, that was until one of the journalists bought up last year's race.

(Any journalist speaking is in bold for this chapter, also the journalist isn't always the same one)

'So Max, your back at monza, I'm pretty sure we all remember what happened last year between you and Lewis, so what are your feelings like for this race'
MV- Well I feel like I have a good chance of winning, the car feels great and we've had good pace in the weekends prior'
'This is a question for both Max and Lewis, how would you describe your relationship with one another'
LH- I don't think this is a question you should be asking us, you should ask the other three how they view our relationship
'Okay so asking Fernando, Alex and Pierre, how would you describe the relationship between Lewis and Max'
FA- I wouldn't say their friends
AA- There is always tension between them if they are in the same room together
PG- I'd say that there's a mutual respect towards eachother now
MV- I agree that there's some tension between us if we are in the same room together
LH- I agree with Fernando that we are not friends as well
'So Lewis, how are you feeling considering what happened last time you raced here'
LH- Right, I do not appreciate keep being asked about the crash last year, I don't know about Max, but I had almost completely forgotten about it and last years accident has no impact on this race. So if you'd stop asking me and Max about it I'm sure that it would be greatly appreciated by both of us
MV- I completely agree with you Lewis, I had also almost completely forgotten about the accident. And I would also appreciate not being asked about it continuously

After that, the press conference had reached its end and all five drivers exited from the room. Max and Lewis left together whilst the other three drivers were slightly slower, looking at the two drivers in amazement.
FA- Is it just me or did they seem more civil towards eachother
PG- No I felt it to
AA- There also didn't seem like there was as much tension between them
PG- You don't think that there's something between them do you
FA- Maybe they have just been building up a slight friendship
AA- Somehow I highly doubt that
PG- So do I
AA- I think it's probably just for the cameras
FA- To be honest so do I

Back with Lewis and Max:

Max had Lewis pushed into a wall and was whispering in his ear
MV- So you think that we're not friends eh
LH- Well I'm not entirely wrong am I
MV- I suppose not
LH- I think that we're more than friends
MV- I agree, because friends don't exactly do this do they

Max leaned and kissed Lewis hard on the lips and was about to move to his neck but Lewis pushed him away

LH- Friends don't do that do they, but we can't do it here somebody might walk in on us and we don't want that do we
MV- No
LH- Let's carry on with this later

Max and Lewis moved apart from eachother and headed off as if they hadn't just been kissing a few moments ago.

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