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But it didn't last long...

There was a knock at the door, Lewis got up off the couch to answer it, putting on a pair of pants on the way. At the door was Daniel.

'Lewis, I'm so sorry for coming like this without any warning but I er I ......... Lewis, why do you have the 2021 championship trophy in your house, that belongs to Max'
'Come in Daniel'

Lewis said the last part of his sentence loudly, for the benefit of Max so he knew who was at the door. Daniel followed Lewis into the house quickly realising that Lewis clearly didn't live alone. When they got to the living room, Daniel stopped at the sight of Max sitting on the sofa.

DR- Max
MV- Hey Daniel
DR- What are you doing here

Max's face became a picture of confusion

MV- But I thought that you had an idea
LH- Can we maybe sit down
DR- Oh yes

Daniel went fully into the living room and took a seat on the armchair with Lewis taking up his earlier position.

LH- Right, continue
MV- Right, I thought you had an idea
DR- What idea
MV- When you came to talk to me and Lewis after we had that infection just before the race
DR- Oh, when I implied that you had something going on
LH- Yes
DR- I was having a bit of a laugh with you, I didn't really believe that you were together, but your saying that you are together
MV- Yep
DR- How long have you been dating
LH- Well, we're not exactly dating
DR- Friends with benefits or something similar
MV- Not exactly
DR- Well, what are you then
LH- We're married
MV- Yeah, we got married at the end of the 2021 season
DR- Holy christ, how many people know
LH- Checo and George know that we are on a relationship, but i don't think they know that we're married
MV- I'm pretty sure that Seb knows that we are married
DR- Okay then, I won't tell anybody and I won't intrude ant longer

Daniel got up and Lewis followed him to the door to let him out.

'Lewis you could have told me that you were dating Max'
'Well, we decided to keep it a secret and the only people who know are the ones who found out, we didn't tell them anything'
'You could have invited me to the wedding'
'Daniel, don't worry we will have a proper wedding in the future and I'll make sure that you are invited, this one was a spur of the moment decision and we were the only ones there'
'I suppose I can forgive you for that then, see you later Lewis'
'Bye Daniel'

Lewis shut the door behind Daniel and went back to cuddle with Max.

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