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- CHAPTER 21 -

❝Don't you dare

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Don't you dare.

Summer break.

THE NOTT MANOR WAS EXACTLY the same as before, dark and void of any happy emotions that most homes usually contain. This time however, Grace was taken there out of her own will, by force.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" she screamed towards her father.

Just mere moments ago, she was having the best time of her life with James right by her side. And then, in front of the girl's own eyes, she had been stripped away from him and into the manor.

"You are to stay here Avery Nott, it is my order."

"To hell with your bloody orders!"

Grace had heard the slap before she felt it, a feeling that she had almost forgotten after being away for so long. Is this how parents were to be?

Throughout it all, Theodore had stood right next to his father with no emotions present on his face. What was terrifying was that they had looked so similar, Grace couldn't help but cower back in fear.

And somehow, Grace had never felt so hurt and heartbroken before. To see someone who used to be so close to you, just standing there and watching you fall apart, without a hint of love present on their face, it was a feeling that no one should ever go through.

"Avery, go to your room."

"Avery? What has gotten into you Theo?"

"Go to your room Avery, now!"

The pain was unbearable for Grace, but she didn't know whether it was the one from her father, or the one from her older brother, her Theo.

Sitting in her old room, the feelings were completely different than before. In the past, her brother would make the room seem so much more livelier than it actually was. Now however, the only things keeping her company were the memories of a certain brown haired boy.

And on the other hand, James Potter was an absolute mess. Without Grace, he had felt like he couldn't breathe. The negativity in him that the girl had worked so hard to remove, it was coming back in all sorts of different thoughts.

"Prongs, mate she'll be fine."

"You don't know that Sirius, you don't know that at all."

Every single night, James would sit at the spot where they had their date and look at the stars. Pretending that the space next to him wasn't empty at all, and was filled with the girl's presence instead.

Even though they had talked to Dumbledore about it, there was absolutely nothing the man could do for them. The people who had taken Grace away, they were her parents after all.

They couldn't do anything but sit and wait for a miracle to happen, anything at all to bring the poor girl back to her home, her real home.

"James, you need to eat dear."

"I'm not hungry mum."

At the Nott Manor, Grace would barely come out of her room until she was forced to by her older brother. And at the Potter Manor, it would be Sirius who would do the same to James.

"Avery, eat your food."

"I'm not hungry Theodore."

The two siblings, who had been dreaming of seeing each other once more, couldn't even look at each other in the eyes without having the feeling of lashing out.

It wasn't like the girl did not try to escape, she did, multiple times. Every single night, when her family would fall asleep, Grace would sneak out of her room in the hopes of running away once more. This time, she was doing it all on her own and not for herself, but for James instead.

The girl knew the house like the back of her hands, so it was fairly easy for her to find the way out. However, her brother had known her better than she had known herself.

He was the one who raised her after all.

"Theodore, let go!"

"Don't try and run away Avery, don't you dare."

"T-Theo, please."

But alas, the brother who Grace had always been so dependent on, the brother who Grace had always felt so proud of, was a person she herself could not recognise any more.

"Prongs? Go to sleep, it's almost midnight," said Sirius Black.

"I'm not sleepy Pads, you go on ahead."

This was the first time in his life where Sirius had seen his best mate be so detached from life. Even during his breakup with Lily, the boy hadn't been this bad. But now, without Grace by his side, James had looked absolutely heartbroken.

He would often sit on the windowsill, eyes staring at the sky, and hand fiddling with the little ring on his finger. The ring, oh how James had wished he would be able to put it on her once more.

"Mate, are you crying?"

A / N : i hated this one, sorry😭

A / N : i hated this one, sorry😭

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