Chapter 12

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Anna's P.O.V

I sneezed again, shivering. I must be catching a cold. The sun beat down hard my back. All traces of rain or a storm was gone. The trees in the orchard stood in a distance, a few leaves shedding water on the ground, the grass had some small water droplets on the tips of them, catching the light of the sun.

I was soaked to the bone, my clothes clung to me like second skin and my hair stuck to my scalp. My voice was hoarse from screaming and my eyes couldn't produce any more tears. I tried to curl up in a ball, but even that was impossible in my position. My hand had pins and needles on them through out the night from being held up, but now they were just numb.

I could tell by the way that the sun shone that, it was around noon. I had given up hope that Jason would come and free me. He must be inside, enjoying himself while I stayed out here cold, hungry, miserable and probably catching a pneumonia.

I stared of into the distance, my eyes un-focusing as my mind drifted away from reality. I thought about home, Emily, my mother. It must have been around 4 days that I have gone, so they must be looking for me. Only I doubt if they will ever find me, but I held on to some hope to keep me going. If I couldn't get out of here myself, then at least I can hope on people rescuing me from this mad man.

I found myself longing to go back to the un-kept chippy; the life I had always complained about was more than what I wanted now. Fresh tears would have come to my eyes now, but I don't think there are any tears left in my eyes.

My ears picked up on the sound of feet on gravel, and I my eyes darted towards the small wodden orchard gate. Suddenly, the thought of facing Jason after the night seemed to scare me. I wish I could just fly away in the blue sky, or curl up in a corner and die. Instead, I just shut my eyes.

I heard the door creak open, and I knew Jason was coming here. I gathered up enough courage to open my eyes and I let them travel up his body slowly.

His black leather boots, blue jeans...brown belt, a black shirt that showed off his muscles, hard jaw line, pink lips and finally his brown eyes. I expected them to be cold and hard, but they were emotion less.

He leaned against the cross, I could breathe in his cologne. I inhaled, intoxicated by the sent as chills of fear and anticipation ran up my spine.

"Sleep well?" he sniggered, laughing a humour less laugh. I hung my head, holding back a sob. How could he be so mercy less? Could he not see that I was tired and soaked?

"Did you learn your lesson then? Did you learn to always respect me and never to run away?" he asked, bending down just a little. I whimpered, my eyes falling on Jason's hands. One hand held a silver key and the other, a warm looking fuzzy blanket. I could almost imagine the warmth it would give me, just by looking at it.

"Excuse me, I didn't hear you. Did you learn your lesson?" he repeated, bending down more and speaking in a low yet firm voice. Like he was talking to a child.

I whimpered again, I managed out a soft "Yes," without looking up at him. "Yes what?" he teased.
"Yes....I learnt my lesson. I will not run away again...or please...get me inside." I replied, hating him more by the second.

He chucked, "Patience, babe...just a few more minutes." He said, reaching up to unlock my hands. Once my hands were down, intense pain broke out on them. I rubbed my shoulders, trying to get the blood circulation back into them. Jason just stood there, watching me.

I got up, but my legs were also too weak from sitting in the same position that they gave away below my body weight. Suddenly a pair arms scoped me up, bridal style, before I could fall. "Hey hey...easy there now..." Jason's voice was murmured, not hard anymore, just velvety soft.

I don't know how he managed to get that blanket around me while holding me, but soon I was wrapped up. He started walking towards the house, carrying me like I weighed ten pounds. My stomach churned from the events, and my eyes fluttered shut, I rested my head against Jason's chest...too tired to function or to protest and tell Jason to put me down.

Jason didn't put me down when we got to the house, but carried me up to our bedroom. The warmth of the house was welcoming, and the blanket was also helping. Warmth was slowly returning to my body. Jason put me down on the bed, gently. "I will be right back.'' His low voice was comforting.

I rested my head against the headboard, my eyes closed. I heard Jason come back into the room. I half opened my eyes. "Here, this will help." Jason handed me a warm mug.

The familiar smell of tomato soup was nice, and I started sipping the red soup. I held on to the mug, the warmth of it seeping into my palms. I could feel the soup going down my throat, heating up my insides and bringing them back to life. I finished the soup in no time while Jason sat at the edge of the bed watching.

He took the mug out of my hands, gentle again, placing it on the bedside cabinet. "You should sleep now." Jason pushed me firmly, yet gently into the warm covers. I didn't try to say no, my body was craving sleep.

I knew I should change out of my wet clothes, but my eyes shut, and I was slowly falling into a much needed sleep.

I felt Jason's lips on my forehead, "I am sorry." I heard him muttering, just before I fell into a deep slumber.

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