Chapter 15

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Anna's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open, I sat up, a little groggy. I looked around, my eyes not yet fully focused. I was seated in a car, and Jason was beside me in the drivers seat.

"Awake babe?" Jason glanced over at me. I became alert, thirst burning in my throat, I resisted the urge to lick my lips, aware that I had on some lip-gloss. "Jason...." I wailed, he looked over at me seeming to be amused, "Why did you drug me again? You should know, its creepy and I hate it." I said.

Jason laughed, "I am sorry, I did it for a reason." He said, sighing. "Oh yeah? And what was the reason?" I challenged, raising my eyebrows.

"I couldn't have you knowing where you were, so I had bring you to the party." He said, speaking so low that I had to strain my ears to hear him. "I am sorry, I wont do it again, promise." He said, leaning over and pecking me on the cheek.

I blushed, despite my anger and looked ahead. It was a clear night and we were driving down a dark road, it was deserted. I sighed looking up at the full moon. We finally came to a stop in front of a large dark building.

"Here we party." I looked around, all I could see ware tall dark buildings, no lights...nothing. "Party? Where?" I asked turning to Jason.

Jason grinned, "You will find out." He said, stepping out of the car and jogging over to my side to hold the door open for me. I cant help but like the way, he is treating me - like a princess.

He offered me his hand, "I can walk by myself, without any support." I stated, stepping out of the car. Just as luck would have it, I stumbled in my high heels but Jason caught me at the right time, again. I really should stop wearing heels. "Are you sure you can walk without support." Jason laughed.
Jason took my hand, leading me to the back of the building. "Jason...where are we going?" I asked, feeling uneasy. "Party, where else?" he said.

There was a large black door at the end of the building, Jason pushed it, and a large dimly lit passage came into view. Jason went in first tugging on my hand, but there was no way I was going down that.
"No...Jason, I don't want to go in there. Please."

Jason's eyes softened, "Come on Anna, relax, this passage just leads to the party. It is secure like this because all the dangerous criminals of the world, that work under me and going to be here tonight, and we dont want those stupid cops finding us, so dont worry."

I stepped in feeling reassured a little, we started walking down the passage, and this was probably the longest passage in the world. We walked along it, my heels clicking on the stone floor. "There are going to be dangerous criminals there?" I asked Jason, breaking the silence. "Yes, all those who have killed people, broken into banks, and caused some good bomb blasts, you can just say, they are pretty dangerous." Jason said.

He must have noticed the scared look on my face because he pulled me closer to him "They wont lay a finger on you, they know you are my girl and if they do, then they know whats coming to them." He said smirking.

I tensed, hearing another pair of footsteps behind us "That must be Eric." Jason nodded. I had almost forgotten he was there too. I looked behind me, Eric gave me a goofy smile rubbing the back of his neck, I smiled back, but stopped when I felt Jason's tighten around me.

"This is it." Jason said, steeping into a large hall packed with people. Looking around I relized this was not a normal party. At least not a party you would expect criminals to go to. It was like a posh formal party. Girls were not dressed in short dresses as you would expect, they were instead wearing elegant ball gowns or long dresses. All the guys were dressed in formal suits. There was music being played, but not the typical loud party music, just some random music in the background, the murmur of voices were heard above it.

Jason laughed, "Not as you expected, huh?" "Definatly not." I clarified. The people here looked innocent here, but I knew all of them were dangerous criminals that you wouldn't want to mess with.
Jason took me over to the bar, and Eric disappeared in the crowd. We sat on the high chairs, Jason turned to the waiter, "Two pomplemo spritz " He said to him. The waiter scurried away, looking scared.

"Pomplno what?" I asked Jason. " Its a alcoholic drink from Itay, trust me you will love it." Jason chucked. "You do know I am not eighteen yet right?" I asked him.

"I sure do, babe. Infact I know everything about you." Jason said, his intense eyes burning into me. I ignored the shivers running down my back, "So you should know that I cant have alcohol." I said.

Jason raised his eyebrows cockily, "I am Jason McCann, I can break the rules." Jason said. I rolled by eyes, "Now come, lets dance while he gets the drinks." Jason smiled, taking my arm.

"I don't think so, I can't dance." I laughed nervously. "No worries, I will teach you." Jason said pulling me to the middle of the dance floor. This music changed to a soft romantic music and the lights dimmed. Couples were dancing together everywhere I looked.

Jason took my hand in his, and placed another hand on my waist. "Just go with the music." He whispered. I started swaying akawardly, but soon I let loose and started being more natural with the moves. I cant believe Im dancing with my kidnapper.

Jason's eyes never left my face, they were soft and gentle, and at that time, the criminal side to him just vanished. "Do you believe in wishes?" Jason spoke in a low husky voice that send tingles down my back. "No I dont. They dont come true." I said. I used to believe in them, but if they were true then I wouldn't be here now.

Jason sighed, "I do." I looked up at him surprised, a criminal believes in wishes. "What makes you?" I asked, curious. "You. A while ago I wished upon a shooting star that one day I would maybe find love. Holding you here in my arms makes me realize that wishes do come true." He said. I dropped my gaze, blushing. "I will never let you go." He whispered, this just killed the moment, this just constantly haunted me, that he will never let me go. I am his victim forever.

I looked up at him with moisture in my eyes, "Why?" I asked, I wanted to know what I had done to bring this on me. " Because you are amazing, beautiful and I am in love with you. You are most defiantly the most precious thing in my life Anna." He said. Our eyes met, he inched his plump lips closer and closer to mine. I could smell is intoxicating cologne.

I music stopped and I pushed him away harshly, just when his lips were about to meet mine. The lights came back on, Jason looked embarrassed, which surprised me.

"I am sorry...I got carried away. I didn't mean to scare you." Jason said, I nodded accepting his apology, "Our drinks will be waiting, lets go to the bar." Jason said talking my hand and pushing the our way through the people.

I scanned the crowd, my eyes met with a pair of enchanting emerald green eyes. Eric. I couldn't find the chance to talk to him about helping me escape with Jason around all the time. I sighed, maybe tonight when we went back.

How could Jason fall for me? I mean, I was just a normal girl, average. He much as I'd hate to admit, a super hot dangerous criminal. He is way out of my league. So how did I end up in this situation. I sighed, sitting on one of the tall chairs in the bar.

Jason handed me a glass of dark liquid, I tentatively took a sip, scrunching my nose at the bitter sweet taste. Jason laughed, "Do you like it?" I shook my head. He gently took the glass out of my hands, "Coke for the lady." He told the waiter, who quickly nodded fearfully,

"So what is this party even for?" I asked Jason. Jason looked at me, smirking, "For my victory." He said. "Yes, but in what?" I asked curious again. Jason chuckled darkly, "Oh you wouldn't want to know."

A hand tapped Jason on the shoulder. I looked up, there stood a girl about a year or two older than me, she was wearing a pair of tight fitting black leather pants and a short tight black cropped top. She had blonde hair with a few bright pink highlights in them.

"Mariah." Jason said, something in his voice told me that he didn't want to see this girl now. They way he said her name, there was a dangerous note in his voice.

She looked over at me, "Who are you?" she asked me, like I was some insect that had crawled out from her shoe. " Anna." I replied, feeling small next to this stunning looking girl. "And you?" I asked.

She smirked bending down to me, "I am Mariah. Eric's sister and Jason's girlfriend."

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