Chapter 36

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Anna's P.O.V

"Jason?" I suddenly say, lifting my head a little from his chest, breaking the silence. "Mmm hmm..." Jason signals for me to continue, but I catch myself laughing at him for being so caught up in his bubble of happiness.

I jab him in the ribs with my finger, "Hey! Are you even listening to me?" I ask brining in pretence annoyance in my voice. Jason's chest vibrates as he lets lot a low sexy chuckle, "I'll always be listening to you sweet heart." He replies, being cheesy, and I go beet red again.

"I want to know more about you. I am curious." I state, playing with the hem of Jason's shirt. "Know what about me?" Jason asks, and I lift my head off his chest and place it on his arm so I can see his face. He gives me a crooked smile, his eyes half closed as he plays with my hair, twirling it around his fingers, and watching it like it was the most amusing thing that he had ever seen.

"I want to know...lots of things." I say, questions clouding on my brain. "One at a time. We have all the time in the world," Jason laughs.

"Soooo...tell me, if you were sent to Poland after your parents were killed, how did you get this island? You said you had inherited it." I ask, looking up at him, and being unable to stop myself, I reach up and trace his jaw line again.

"I did inherit this island. Only I never you I had it until I started messing around with a few documents from a mission some years back. I came to know then, and I knew it would be perfect. So I came here. Got people to built me this house, arrange food to come in, fresh water and all that. I loved living here, the ocean, the sand, the beach, the nature. Just everything. And when I saw you, I knew I could keep you here, safe, with me." Jason said.

I nodded, taking it in. "I love this island as well." I smiled. Jason crooked his head towards me, grinning. "So why me?" I ask the question that I had been wanting to ask from the very begging.

Jason scrunched his eyebrows together, "What do you mean?"

I shrugged, looking down at my feet hanging of the couch, "Jason," I began sighing, "You are perfect." I couldn't get any further as Jason interrupted me, "Why thank you my lady." He said, smirking.

"You have everything. Apart from the part that most people recognise you as a ruthless killer and others fear you, you are too good to be true. You can get any girl that you want...any..."

Jason still looked confused, unable to catch what I was getting at, "Then why did you choose to have me?" I finally blurt out the question, "I mean I am careless, poor, and not even that good looking, I should be way out of your league and yet you love me so much. Its suprising really considering the fact that I am nothing except for a normal 16 year old? What is it so special about me that you--"

I am unable to finish my rant. This time its Jason's lips that interrupt me. They come from nowhere, I close my eyes, thinking this more than I could ever have wished for.

Jason's lips are warm and soft on mine, and he touches my face ever so gently as he kisses me. He shifts his position so he is slightly on top of me and I let my arms wrap around his shoulders, and tug on his hair softly.

Jason groans, tracing my bottom lip with the tip of his cool tounge. I smile into the kiss, my eyes closed, enjoying each moment of passion. Our lips move in a sync and there were sparks all over. Exploding inside me. I loved Jason so much. An overwhelming feeling of happiness sweepd through me and I smiled wider and intertwined my tongue with his, feeling the feeling of love explode all over my body. This was the moment. This was the boy I had been waiting for to fall in love with.

My heart raced in my ears and my eyes shot open, I pulled away from Jason's lips in shock, gasping and sitting up in a haste as I heard someone clear their throat behind us. It was Eric.

I groaned, blood rushing up to my face. Perfect way to get embrassed. Eric stood at the door way, a stunned look on his face, before a sarscrastic look took over.

"Looks like some people were getting busy." He said, smirking, putting his deep inside his pocket in an infuriating manner. I groaned again, burring my face in my palms out of the shame at being caught making out with Jason.

"Shut up Eric!'' Jason snapped, annoying cutting the air. He jumped up, suddenly advancing Eric in a threatening manner, "Didn't your mother teach you to knock before you enter, dog?" Jason snarled at him.

My shame washed away and I found myself smiling. Jason would have called Eric a far worse name if I hadn't been here, I am sure. And I like the way he is so protective of me.

"Leave him Jason," I laughed pulling him away. Eric scowled, angry, storming out of the room.

Jason and I worked together to make lunch, we were starving, after having skipped two meals; dinner last night, and breakfast this morning. We finally managed to get a decent meal together and just before we were about to eat, I realised my shirt had flour all over it from making some cookies.

"I'll go change my shirt in a minute, you eat." I told Jason racing up the stairs, eager to come down and have my meal with Jason. I quickly slipped on another casual T-shirt after slipping of my ruined one, and I was just about to race down the stairs to join Jason when I stopped.

Muffled voices were coming from a room next to me, and a little suspicious for no reason, I silently tip toed over to it and pressed my ear against the door. I could clearly make out Eric's voice from behind the door.

"Make sure he is here. I have to make this work. I dont want Jason knowing about this." Eric's voice said. It was obvious he was talking on the phone, and he sounded evil. Venom shone though his voice, and goosebumps rose on my arms, the hackles of the back of my neck rose up as my heart pounded.

Who was Eric talking about? Why didn't he want Jason to know?

I walked away from the closed door, an uncomfortable air settling around me as I went down the stairs. I don't know what was happening, but something wasn't right here at all.

Authors Note - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GETTING ME TO ALMOST 4,000 VOTES! I LOVE YOU! Please leave me comments, I love to hear from all you, it makes me soooo happy!

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