Chapter 25

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Anna's P.O.V

I lay there, like that on the sofa, crying while Jason continued to look at me. I could feel his eyes, boring holes at the back of my neck.

"Come on Anna, its nothing that bad." Jason said rolling his eyes, and pulling me up harshly by me hand.

I pulled my hand back instantly, now sitting up. "Not that bad? Huh? Seriously McCann what do you know?" I said sarcastically while caressing my neck. Jason turned to look at me with an amused expression, "What do you mean Anna?"

I made a annoyed sound, getting up and storming out of the room, to our bed room. I could hear Jason following behind.

"Anna stop! What are you doing?" I turned around sharply to face him, "I am going to my room to see what damage you have done to my neck!" I spit at him.

Jason smirked, the amusement never leaving his face for a second, "Its just a hickey Anna, nothing else. And by the way, its our room not your room. Remember we share it?" Jason said, winking. I glared at him; I was just so angry now.

"What its and me share the bed, the bathroom, the-" Jason carried on, but I broke in, "I know."

Jason laughed, "Good. What else do you know, do you know that you are mine?" Jason smirked. I knew what he was trying to do; infuriate me and make me more angry, and actually he was succeeding in doing that.

I finally found the bedroom and went right to the mirror. I stood in front of it examining my hickey, Jason watched me, amused.

My hickey was slowly turning purple now, and thankfully Jason hadn't made it too big. I could cover it with my hair or I could use a conceler. I rummaged in the drawer, paying no attention to Jason behind me, and finally found a conceler. I rarely wore make up, so this wasn't even opened yet. I struggled harshly with the packaging, almost tying to rip it open.

"Here, let me do that," Jason said, talking the conceler gently away from my hands and opening it easily.

I went red, but snatched it back. "Hey! You should at least say thank you!" Jason said. Why the hell was be being so infuriating to me?

"What do you need that for anyway? You are perfect, you don't need to cover up." Jason said.

Simply blanking him, I proceeded to dab the hickey with the conceler. "Oh! Look Anna why are you covering a hickey? For fuck's sake its just a god danm bruise." Jason said, his tone a little serious now.

"Why do you always have to ask so many questions! I am covering it so I don't look like a slut." I said, stomping my foot.

"Whoa there Anna calm down. You would never look like a slut to me, and there isn't anyone else seeing you here except me either." Jason said, his voice softer now, "And did you just stamp your foot? I thought girls only did that in movies!" Jason laughed.

"Here, have some water and just chill out, you look cute when you are angry though," Jason said, taking a glass of water from the dresser and handing it to me. I took the water and then, without drinking it, threw it down at the floor.

I watched as the glass shattered to a million tiny pieces and the water spilled out.

Jason turned to look at me, his expression just confused now, "Anna I understand that you are angry but there is no need to make such a fuss. I gave you a hickey. Big deal. Get over it."

"No you don't understand Jason! You dont know what it feels like to get kidnapped by and be taken to some where you don't even know. To be held agaist my will, away from all my friends and family. You really dont know and you dont understand Jason." I scream at him.

"Anna. Enough." Jason said, his voice hard.

"Why? Are you afraid of the truth?" I sneered at him stepping closer. "And you expect me to love you." I snorted.

"Yeah I do, and I know you will." Jason calmly spoke. I lunged at him then. He didn't bulge as I hammered his hard chest with my small balled up fists. "Why are you doing this to me? And where the hell am I?" Tears ran down my face like a water fall; I was just fed up and so frustrated with everything, and I hated Jason.

Jason took my fists easily in his hand, "Anna...I love you. And I believe that one day you will too as much as I do even. Please. Try. Try to love me Anna, at least try not to hate me." Jason said, the mocha brown eyes, pleading and affectionate and hypnotizing.

For a moment it was hard not to fall for those brown eyes. Not to listen to what they were saying. And I wanted to believe in him for a tiny millisecond, to try to love him.

The feeling past quickly enough. I stepped away from him. I would feel hurt radiating off Jason's body. He was hurt because I was hurt and crying. But then, he was the one that had hurt me.

"Jason I don't even know your age." I said in a small voice, I could feel my tears drying on my face. I avoided his eyes, I knew I shouldn't look into them.

"Oh." Jason said, "Twenty. I am twenty Anna." Jason said. Thoughts whirled through my mind.

"That is four years older to me." I said in a chocking voice.

"So? Anna age is just a number, it doesn't matter." Jason said, his eyes pleading begging. Its funny how Jason McCann had to beg to someone. Usually people begged to him. I begged to him. But this time it was him, begging to me. Begging for my love.

"You are like a dog, wanting a bone that is never to come to you." I spat at him.

"I love you Anna." Jason said simply. His posture showed it all, his body was relaxed, yet tense if that even makes any sense and I was breathing heavily at the turn this conversation had taken.

"I love you so so much...more that anything I ever have loved. If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to say, I love you. Thats how much I love you. You make me feel different when I am around you, you are the only one that does that Anna. I miss you when I'm not with you....when I'm not with you all I do is think about you...when I think about you I just want to be with you....and when I'm with you it's like all of my dreams have come true. And if you loved me back my dreams wouldn't even be dreams anymore; it'll be reality. I fall in love with you again everytime I look into your beautiful eyes.I dont want to be angry when I am around you, but you make me angry sometimes nevertheless. I want you to be happy Anna." Jason sighed.

"Well then you shouldn't have taken me." I spit.

Jason continued, despite my comment, "I need you Anna. Like the roses need the rain. Like the poet needs the pain. I just can't live without you. My body and soul are yours, even when I say that you are mine. My heart beats your name. If I died and went to heaven and God asked me what I'd like to come back as I'd say a tear; So I can be born in your eyes, roll down your cheek and die on your lips."

"ENOUGH! JUST SHUT UP!" I screamed at him, holding my hand up.

Jason looked hurt, "What ever I said is all true. My life without you is pointless. I am Jason McCann I am not supposed to be saying these things to a girl. But I am. Why? I don't know why. Guess I love you that much. I love..."

And before he could finish his sentence, my hand flew up and slapped him in the cheek.

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