Chapter 22: Consequences!

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Aliaan realizes he messed up. " Why was I so sure of myself?" he asks himself as he flies over the city with tears floating momentarily as they leave his eyes, this unfamiliar crying sensation triggers him as he's not used to it on Aaraa.

Aliaan: " Why am I so emotional? what has this planet done to me?"

He realizes his pursuit of novelty and the exotic clouded his judgment and ruined a special relationship and someone else's life. Would Maanaa ever forgive him? Would his parents and his people forget he made a stupid mistake? After changing his mind and making his wish, he never thought that Luz would ask for such a thing, he did believe their wishes could conflict but not in this way, he was even prepared to live a different version of his current life.

Maanaa sends a signal for him to come back and tells him Luz is crying. He realizes he shouldn't have stormed out leaving his now-pregnant wife behind. But he still has a bad feeling about this pregnancy, what would a child gifted from Utopia be like? this is life, he begins wondering while wandering what the cost of this life is.

He decides to go back and take Luz for a flight, to get her mind off of his reaction, after all, it won't be long before he goes back to Aaraa and she moves on.

Aliaan *knocks*: " It's me guys open up"

Luz rushes to the bathroom and locks herself in.

Maya: " What was that for?"

Marco: " Yeah, that was an ass move!"

Xeelai: " I think he was overwhelmed, which is something that happens a lot on earth but very few Aaraans have experienced it"

Thiyya: " Sounds like a made-up excuse, not gonna lie"

Ziri: " Same thought"

Maanaa: " Xeelai has no reason to defend Aliaan, they aren't close, this is true"

Maya: " I see, but now he has to convince Luz, which isn't an easy task, she tends to be very sulky"

Aliaan knocks on the bathroom door and asks Luz to open the door so they can talk, but Luz refuses profusely, he decides to talk to her from behind the door.

Aliaan: " My love, I am so sorry, I couldn't process it, leaving you behind with a baby, a baby that we don't know could survive or be healthy, so many emotions rushed through me and I didn't know how to process it, I had to be alone for a bit"

Luz:" Do you know how I felt? I thought you didn't want anything to do with me or our baby so you decided to run away! I thought you abandoned us, your own chosen family"

Aliaan: " I didn't expect you to wish for a kid while knowing I'm leaving for a year! Even if you gave birth to it and both of you were alive and healthy, I wouldn't be here!"

Luz: " I hate this, I wish we could see each other or travel to each other whenever we want!"

Maanaa: " Uhum! well, Luz if you would like to get out of the bathroom now, I have news relating to that"

Luz opens the door and walks out slowly.

Luz: " What do you mean?"

Maanaa: " My wish was this" *pulls out her bracelets* 

Everyone except Maya and Xeelai looks at the bracelets and then back at Maanaa in confusion.

Ziri: " You wished for bracelets?"

Maanaa: " I wished for a device that I can replicate to travel easily and safely through spacetime"

Marco: " Wow! that is sick man!"

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