Chapter 25: Unprecedented Situations

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The friends arrive at a glass dome with a minimalistic style and a few weird twirling red and blue spiky plants with no flowers and small melon-looking purple fruits, the furniture doesn't look comfortable to those from Earth, in fact, the interior design does seem futuristic but nothing they haven't seen before.

Marco: " Hey Maanaa, I have a question, is this how most places look here? minimalistic and clean, not much color?"

Maanaa: " No, haha, just like on earth people choose the style of their homes or other spaces, in fact, our technology allows us to change the theme and the whole look of this room, if you come with me to my house, I'll show you"

Ziri: " Woah, that's so cool, can we all come?"

Maanaa: " Of course!"

Thiyya: " Hey Maanaa, what about clothes and makeup?"

Maanaa: " Sure, if you want to, I'll give you a ring, it will allow you to change outfits and  makeup whenever you want, the technology is from another planet but we personalized it to fit our kind, you can do the same with Earthen fashion"

Marco: " That's fascinating, but how is that even possible do you have to buy all that stuff or ....I don't know how to put it, it's beyond my comprehension"

Maanaa: " Remember what I said about overcomplicating? In reality, you're still wearing what you physically wore yourself, or you could be naked, but you would look to yourself and others as though you're wearing them, it would even feel like you are."

Thiyya: " I can't help but think that this is like magic or sorcery or whatever"

Maanaa: " Hmm, the trick here is to trick the brain into seeing and feeling what isn't there, it's all an illusion and while consciously you know it isn't real, your brain doesn't, the device in a way creates a barrier between your conscious thoughts and your subconscious, it focuses on tricking your brain through your senses."

A red-haired, brown-reddish-eyed woman with blueish wings enters the room, as soon as she perceives the Earthens, one of her wings assumes a defensive position, and the other an attack one. But after a few seconds, she relaxes as she sees Xeelai and Maanaa being completely chill.

The watcher: " Forgive me, it is my first time seeing the likes of you, I also heard a lot of horror stories from Earth, so I'm not sure I can fully trust you."

Ziri: " That was so cool, you should star in a Marvel movie"

The watcher * perplexed*: " Um, I'm not sure what you mean, I do not know who Marvel is"

Marco: " Don't worry about him, we understand your concerns, even we, are wary of our own kind"

Thiyya: " We don't have any weapons on us and we do not wish for trouble, we are merely here to ask for your help and guidance since you're some sort of midwife" 

Xeelai: " That's a very shallow understanding of who she is, but Suunuu, you have nothing to worry about, these are my friends and Maanaa's and also Aliaan's"

Ziri: " Wait, she knows Aliaan and Maanaa too?"

Suunuu: " I know of everyone, there aren't many people here and our job is to watch them at least till a certain age, but the older generation of watchers keep watch on everyone forever"

Marco: " You don't have many people when it's so easy for you to procreate?"

Maanaa: " Not everyone wants to have children, plus, there's no need to fill the planet, there are other creatures here"

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