Chapter 29: The Last Wishes

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Ziri, Thiyya, Marco, Maanaa, Xeelai, and Maya went back to Utopia for their last wishes before sealing the chamber with a spell " Only they who truly need this place shall find it, only they who can follow the rules shall use it".

And how could they seal it with a spell? you might ask! Well, let's see what each one asked for:

Xeelai's wish:

 Xeelai loves interacting with all types of creatures from all the planets and galaxies he's been to, however, it's hard to communicate with many and there are a lot of misunderstandings and possible conflicts he wants to avoid.

He also wants to travel safely as there are many unsafe creatures or planets he wants to visit. He also wanted to be able to teach Aaraans and other humans to be able to communicate well with other creatures.

Xeelai: " I wish I can understand and communicate efficiently with every creature I encounter"

Maanaa's wish:

Maanaa's business bloomed, so she wanted to extend it further because she wanted to have a safe space to stay in that fits the perfect conditions of her planet without having to worry about gear that doesn't meet all her needs and therefore hinders longer stays on other planets, she decided she wanted a portable apartment with everything she needs in it.

But because she wants to market it, she decided she needs an apartment design that changes according to the species and their optimal needs.

Maanaa: " I want to be able to conjure designs, make and market resizable apartments or houses, that are portable through space travel and that change according to the needs of the one that will live in them, no matter where they are." " Oof! that was a mouthful" 

Thiyya's wish:

Thiyya had always had a dream of owning a cottage or a house in the countryside with a big land, a lake, and trees all around and living in peace growing all sorts of vegetal food and some cows, goats, chickens, and sheep for protein and dairy.

She wanted to sleep soundly after a day of physical work in a house surrounded by flowers and for her to harvest food and make delicious dishes for her husband and kids.

Thiyya: " I wish to have a comfortable modern house near a lake with land surrounded by trees and lots of edible fruits and veggies and plants and cute animals like dogs and bunnies and cats and birds but also cows, goats, sheep, and hen for eating and dairy and to grow what I eat and be healthy with my future family and for it all to be cozy just- no! better than what I wish for it to be" *takes a deep breath*

Ziri's wish:

Ziri knew exactly what he wanted, he's been waiting this whole time to go back to Utopia just to get rich. Becoming rich was his dream ever since he was a kid but he couldn't achieve it. Ziri grew up in a poor household, there were times when he and his siblings didn't eat for days, their situation got a bit better after he reached high school but they still couldn't afford new clothes and had to wear clothes that didn't fit well that they got from charities, he always had a nick for fashion so he tried his best to look presentable but was made fun of throughout his childhood to late teens.

But he didn't just want to be rich for himself, he wanted to be wealthy, he wanted to be able to help his whole family and leave some generational wealth behind, he wanted to make sure that his kids never lacked anything and their kids too.

Ziri: "  I wish to be rich and wealthy enough to afford anything I ever desire for me and my family and friends and of course Thiyya, and to leave a huge wealth for my descendants so they may never ever suffer being poor like I have."

Marco's wish:

Marco has already reached his dream of becoming a famous musician, he can now make the music he loves, he has a great group of supportive friends, and he can go anywhere in the universe but there was something missing from his life which is a fulfilling love relationship.

He has finally put his feelings for Luz behind and for the first time, he can actually say that he has in fact gotten over her but he feels lonely and wants to share his joy with a loving compatible partner.

Marco:" I wish to find a beautiful, kind woman soon that is compatible in every way with me and fall in love with each other and start a meaningful stress-free, games-free, drama-free, nurturing, and fulfilling relationship"

Maya's wish:

Maya already had a superpower, she could become a superhero that no one knows of, save many lives do something meaningful in her life, and be super busy so she can forget her past.

Maya teleports every time she thinks about her fiancé's death and her stalker, sometimes she teleports so many times she collapses and loses consciousness, a few days ago she fell asleep on her favorite beach and almost froze to death, someone found her and gave her a blanket and some hot chocolate before she teleported herself back to her house after thanking them and leaving. 

But she knew she shouldn't live like this, so every week she visited her fiancé's grave, she talked to him and told him everything she never did and gradually she started feeling better but she knew it wasn't enough, so she decided she needed more powers, more control.

Maanaa: " I wish to be a powerful witch so that I manifest everything I wish with spells that come true with the harm to none unless they deserve it and the good of all if they deserve it and no harm to myself or my friends, I wish to be able to help those in need with all the powers I have."

Unfortunately for Aliaan and Luz, they've already ruined their chances at a good second wish, but thankfully for them, they now have rich and powerful friends that can help them achieve their goals and support them along the way.

But what will our "main characters" Luz and Aliaan choose to do? How will this story end? Find out in the next final chapter.

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