worried about something

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It's been a couple hours and Enid hasn't come back to the dorm yet so Wednesday went looking for her. it's not that she was worried it's not it's just that... ok yeah she was worried.

her first stop was Yoko's dorm but she wasn't there. so her next stop was Ajax's dorm. god she really hated that guy for some reason.

there she was standing outside Ajax's dorm. she was afraid of what she might encounter if Enid was there. but still she was worried for her roommate so she knocked. and of course she heard a familiar voice say "come in" that voice belonged to Enid. as soon as Wednesday was the one to enter Enid immediately said "Wednesday, what are you doing here?" in her normal voice with a hint of confusion in it but something else too, embarrassment? why?, why would Enid care if Wednesday knew she was spending time with her boyfriend.

"I was looking for Thing" Wednesday lied

"oh I thought maybe you were looking for me" Enid said almost in a disappointed tone

"I'm guessing he's not here, goodbye" Wednesday said

"Wednesday wait!" Enid said running up to the shorter girl before she left "do you need help looking for him?"

"No he's most likely fine, plus you seem busy" she said the last part slightly glaring at Ajax with the tiniest bit of emotion lacing her voice. she almost sounded, Angry? Enid wasn't sure why.

"ok.. well I'm just gonna say goodbye to Ajax then I'll come over to our dorm!" she said with a smile.


Enid came back to the dorm to see Wednesday, checking her phone? 'since when does she have a phone?' she thought.

"You have a phone!?" Enid said excitedly

"Yes Xavier gave it to me before I left last semester" Wednesday replied putting it away

Enid kinda felt hurt, she's had it since then and never thought to text her.

"Oh.. so do you have instagram?, Snapchat?, Twitter? oh and have you seen my blog?!"

"no I don't concern myself with such things" she replied coldly as ever

"of course you don't, you never "concern yourself" with fun. why did I think this semester would be different" Enid said slightly annoyed

"I thought last semester was.. fun" Wednesday replied in her normal voice but getting quieter when she said the f word.

"Really!?" Enid said excitedly naively thinking Wednesday meant the canoeing and stuff rather then the murders.

"of course, seeing the look on Tyler's face when I almost tortured him, was very thrilling"

Enid's smile faded. "of course, because Tyler being a psychotic killer was "thrilling""

Wednesday could tell she upset Enid, she wasn't sure why. but she knew she did. So she decided to say something that was true but also weak.. "spending time with you was also.. fun" she said it in a whisper but Enid still heard.

Enid gave her a small sweet smile and said "can I please hug you?"



a couple more hours had passed with Enid just playing on her phone and Wednesday just sitting down deep in thought. 'who could my stalker be?' kept running through her head.

"Hey.." Enid said putting her phone down "have you still not seen Thing? now I'm starting to get worried"

"it is unusual for him not to do his skin care routine around this time" Wednesday said wondering where the hand could have gone. she suddenly felt her phone buzz so she looked down at it

Unknown: worried about SomeThing?

A/N: sorry for any grammar mistakes there may be. if they annoy you feel free to point them out and I'll edit them.

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