It worked!

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*Enid's pov*

I wanted to just flee the hospital completely but my weak ass body won't let me. Honestly I'm a werewolf, what is this crap? Anyway I just lay in the bed, jam that thingy back in my arm, close my eyes, and hope Wednesday doesn't bother me. Cuz if she comes in here I may just wolf out.

*Wednesday's pov*

I have to go and speak to Enid, I really don't want to harm her emotions anymore than I already have, but if I don't speak to her after her over hearing that he could get suspicious. Besides once this is all over she'll have no reason to be upset with me, this is for the best.

I tell Xavier I have to try and comfort Enid, to which he says he understands. Hopefully he follows me that's what I'm counting on, it's time to put my acting skills from those horrendous (not in a good way) school plays my parents made me participate in to the test.

I knock to let her know I'm coming in and then I enter. Her eyes are closed but she's so obviously not asleep. I can tell her eyes are being forced shut rather then falling heavy and closing on their own.

"Enid, I know you're awake" she still stays quiet "Enid" I repeat slightly louder

"Go away Wednesday!" she yells still with her eyes forced shut

"Enid can you open your eyes? I'd like to talk to you"

"Then talk! but I don't want to look at a liar!"

"Enid please, I didn't want to upset you anymore that's why I said I believed your nonsense"

"Nonsense?!" Enid's eyes aren't open still but I can see tears escaping, perhaps that was a little harsh.. even for me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to phrase it like that, mental health is quite serious, I just meant the notion that Xavier did this is nonsensical" this is harming my pride a bit but if it works it's worth it. I just hope it's not too over the top, but Xavier has always been very dramatic so that's the direction I chose to take this.

*Enid's pov*

"Get out" I say hoping she leaves before I'm forced to open my eyes due to full on sobbing. How could she lie like this? How could she betray me? If she did all this, if she doesn't even trust me at all, how can she love me? maybe that was a lie too...

*Wednesday's pov*

I think that performance was enough so I listen to Enid and leave. She's upset with me but it's all worth it and once I explain why I said what I said she'll understand.

As I walk out I see Xavier quickly hide behind a nearby vending machine. Good, he was listening. Now I just need to wait and let my plan unravel on its own. I walk past with a hurt look on my face letting him believe I did not notice him. But once I'm out of the vending machine's view I can't help the small smirk that grows on my lips.

*Xavier's pov*

Did mothers plan just work? It worked! I need to tell her right away

*Unknown pov*

I receive a text from Xavier that reads it worked!! It what? This simply won't do. the plan was for this plan to fail. I hate having to get my hands dirty again, but a mother has to protect her son.

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