see you there love

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*Enids pov*

Wednesday almost looks scared? she pulled out her phone a second ago. that's when I saw her eyes widen and it almost looks like her hand is shaking. "Wednesday, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"they have him" she said in her monotone voice but it also sounded shaky

"who?" I asked

"Thing, my stalker has him"

Wait Wednesday's stalker has Thing!? Wait Wednesday has a stalker?! "Wa- you have a stalker?! they have Thing?!?"

"Why are you repeating what I just said" Wednesday said but it was less of a question and more of Wednesday being annoyed that I'm repeating what she said. but I can't help it! I'm so confused!.

Wednesday started heading out the door. so I obviously went to catch up with her. "aren't you gonna explain what's going on!?"

"first we have to find Thing before he looses his fingers"

"ok but where do we look?!"

*Wednesdays pov*

Enid actually had a fair question for once. I have no idea where to look. the stalker wants me so maybe if I offer them myself they'll return Thing safely. and if he has any missing fingers, my stalker will have a lot more then their fingers to worry about. I pulled out my phone and decided to text them back

me for Thing. in 2 hours. meet at the back of the school.

Unknown: I'll see you there, love😘

that text made my blood boil but in a bad way. how dare they use an affectionate term after kidnapping Thing. it makes me sick, but again not in a good way.

A/N: sorry this chapter is shorter than Wednesday. I'm just testing whether I should start using povs or not, or maybe a mix of povs and no povs? you tell me what you'd prefer.

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