on my way

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*Wednesdays pov*

I still must get to the bottom of this. Could Enid be upset with Xavier for some reason or me? I take Enid up on her suggestion and invite Xavier with the number he gave me. Maybe he could help in some way or reveal why on earth Enid would waste her energy being upset with him.

Wednesday: meet me in my dorm. as soon as possible.

I notice the unknown number of my stalker typing. what could they want? they're really starting to annoy me. I need to find out who they are soon but right now there is a different mystery I am concerned with. oddly enough they don't say anything and I receive a reply from Xavier instead.

Xavier: on my way!

There is a knock on the door which I open and as I suspected it is Xavier. "Have a seat" I say gesturing to my desk chair as I sit down on the end of my bed. "So is this our date?" what? oh right he probably assumes I am ready for that date I agreed to. but I most certainly am not, especially right now.

"Actually Xavier I asked you here to discuss my roommate, is there any reason she may be angry with you?" he looks perplexed so I assume not

"Huh Enid? no.. why would she be?"

I explain Enid's actions from earlier to him and a smug look appears on his face.

"Wednesday, did you ever stop to think that maybe Enid is jealous? of me"

Jealous? What reason would she have to be.

"Xavier, that is in no way logical. why would she feel the need to be jealous of you? it doesn't make any sense."

"Just hear me out, you and Enid are like best friends right? now that we're going out maybe she feels left out.. maybe she even has a crush on you"

I don't even have time to correct Xavier about the fact that we are not 'going out' just because I agreed to one date. the other thing he said caught me too off guard. Could it be true? that's ridiculous. from what I can see her and Ajax seem sickeningly happy... although it would explain why she was upset with the both of us. I don't even know how to process my own feelings. Enid makes me feel something I've never felt before. but it could just be because I've never had a 'bestie' as she would say. Right?

"Um, Wednesday?" Oh right, Xavier. I almost forgot of his existence.

"I need to leave"

"Wednesday where are you g-

I shut the door and began the search for my roommate.

*Enid's pov*

the stars are beautiful tonight. I wish I had someone to share there beauty with. Ajax finally shows up.. ok maybe not just anyone. I don't think he'd appreciate their beauty. "Hey babe" he says and leans down to kiss me. the kiss has lasted kinda awhile now.. he doesn't think I just asked him here to make out does he?.

I hear bushes ruffle which breaks me out of my mind and leads me to break away from the kiss. the kiss.. kissing Ajax honestly hasn't been what I thought it would be.

"What's wrong babe?" he asks clearly still stoned.

"I think we need to break up" I say quickly hoping not to upset him. he's still my friend after all. at least I hope so.

"This is about Wednesday isn't it?" okay I wasn't expecting that! what!?


"It's obvious you like her. honestly I'm surprised you've stayed with me as long as you have" obvious?! no it's not, not to me it's not!?. wait is he even mad?

"You're not mad?"

"Maybe it's just the weed speaking but no. You should be with who you want to. you shouldn't stay with me out of obligation, that wouldn't be fair to either of us" wow, I think that's more words than I've ever heard from him. at least ones that make sense

"Ajax do you mind if I-"

"Go to her"

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