Hello Enid

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*Wednesdays pov*

I'm walking to class however I still feel like I am in the dorm Enid and I share. Did I make the wrong decision by heading to class rather then discussing the matter further with her? It's the logical decision to go to class given how much I've missed. And to simply talk things over with Enid later. Yet for some reason I feel like rushing back in there but that would be.. weak. And I cannot be weak.

Besides I am still conflicted about my own feelings. The thought of having any romantic interest in Enid seems ridiculous, she's my complete opposite. but when I am actually around her, I feel something I've never completely felt before, I can't place it. there's happiness but also something else could it be lo-

"Where is Enid?" I yell.

*no one's pov*

Wednesday didn't even realize she had been walking back to the dorm until she arrived and was shocked and terrified at what she saw and didn't see. there was a decent amount of blood on the floor and no Enid in sight.

*Things pov*

I'm hiding under the desk. I was walking out to find Wednesday when it happened. I ran back in when I saw someone coming to the dorm. I need to tell her what happened but I can't move e-everything is g-going dark...

*Yoko's pov*

I'm in class when I hear Wednesday scream "where is Enid?" I better go see what's going on. I go to Wenclairs dorm and Wednesday looks panicked and is that blood..?

"Finally kill someone Wednesday?" I joke

"We need to find Enid now!" She says annoyed. yeah that wasn't the best time for a joke, damn it Yoko. Idk what's going on but Wednesday doesn't actually sound like a robot so it must be serious.. I hope that blood isn't Enid's. I better enlist the help of Bianca and D.

*no one's pov*

"Hello Enid, finally awake I see.." the person says in a sinister voice.

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