Chapter 3

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The night was progressing a lot better than Ryujin had expected. Because Yuna was such a social butterfly, she was very hesitant to join with the thought that she might not even know anyone in the party.

After a couple of shots and half a bottle of beer, Ryujin couldn't believe the person who's being introduced to their table. In front of her very eyes is the cat-eyed girl who hadn't left her mind the whole day.

And she sure as hell looks very dashing in her cropped tee.

"Everyone, this is Yeji. She's a good friend of mine, and very fun at parties! So do not hesitate to mingle with her."

When Yeji met Ryujin's eyes, a look of confusion filled her expression. Because Ryujin was tucked away in the far corner of the table and had her hoodie on, Yeji did not recognize her right away. Contrary to the other girl, though, she internally lit up upon seeing her in person.

She looks even more gorgeous. And taller, too! Ryujin thought to herself.

She spent the next hour plotting a plan on how she'd be able to talk to Yeji. Because the club was dark, she could not see where she walked back after the introduction. But there's something about her that draws Ryujin in - despite her obvious attempts to dismiss her online. It wouldn't hurt to at least try, right?

She downed a couple more shots before making her way to the makeshift dance floor in the middle. And because it's a party full of dancers, it's easier to blend in the groove of trendy dances and everyone's so nice to hype each other up.

Thankfully, she ran into Chaeryeong not long after she started dancing in the middle of the pit.

"Ryujin, you're here!"

She could tell that the other girl was already drunk with the way her voice sprang up upon saying her name. Her cheeks were red, too.

"Chaer. How's it going?"

The other girl continued to bounce to the music as her eyes remained closed - not minding that she's bumping into other people while she's at it.

Ryujin looked around for Yeji but the crowd was too thick to see anything.

A couple of minutes passed when she heard a loud thud on the floor next to her. To her surprise, she saw Chaeryeong on the floor - eyes closed and humming, she got a smirk on her face and it's clearly evident that she wasn't aware of the fall.

"Chaer!" she panicked and quickly crouched down to help her up.

"This beat is so sick I want to dance to it the whole nighttt", she said in a slurry voice as Ryujin tried to help her up.

"That's good. But we need to get-"

Another thud.


Ryujin tried to wake her up but to no avail.

"Great, she completely blacked out."

People around them were oblivious and she couldn't see Yuna anywhere. She pulled up her phone to call Sana for help when she heard someone calling for the girl who's knocked out in her arms.


"Hey, you're in the dance class right? Have you seen Chaeryeong?' She heard a girl asking around.

"Hey, Chaer's here! I need a little help", she exclaimed - hoping the girl would hear her above the loud music.

Not long after, she saw Yeji standing in front of them with a worried look on her face. Their eyes met in a split second pause before the girl knelt down to help Chaeryeong up. Soon after, they were able to settle in a corner booth where Chaer can lie down until she wakes up.

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