Chapter 23

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Soon didn't come sooner enough.

After her last class at the end of the week, Ryujin was pretty sure she'd collapse to her bedroom once she arrived home. She has been running on coffee and a couple hours of sleep for the last two weeks.

And no single text from Yeji.

She didn't expect that the good news would come when she got home.

The funny thing was - she thought she was hallucinating when she smelled her girlfriend's perfume as she was opening her apartment door.

But she wasn't.

Sitting in the middle of the main couch was Yeji - a box of something on her lap. She looked like she hasn't gotten much rest recently, too, but Ryujin didn't care.

She ran towards her and lifted her up in a hug.

"Jagiya." she whispered as she felt her girlfriend tightened the hug.

"I miss you, Jagi. I'm sorry."

After a couple more minutes, they broke away from the hug.

Yeji softly smiled as she rested her forehead against Ryujin's.

"I love you, Ryuddaeng."

She leaned in and kissed her before the brunette could reply.

Ryujin didn't waste any time and lifted the cat eye to the bedroom.

"There's no way you're going home tonight", she teased and was answered by her girlfriend's soft giggles.

"God, I missed you."

Ryujin deepened the kiss and inhaled every part of Yeji that she had yearned for in the past week. She savored every part of her as if scared that she'd disappear again.

They fell asleep right after.

The next morning, Ryujin jolted awake and instantly checked whether she was dreaming last night or not.

She let out a breath of relief as she felt Yeji breathing softly beside her. She stirred quietly so she's facing the cat-eye.

"I miss you even when you're here", she whispered.

The cat-eye must've heard her and slowly opened her eyes.

She smiled instantly upon seeing Ryujin.

"Morning", she whispered in her raspy voice.

"Hi", the brunette answered back. "Do we have any plans today?"

Yeji scrunched her nose a little before scooting closer to cuddle. "Hmm. We can just stay here all day."

"Okay", Ryujin couldn't help her smile. She missed the cat eye too much.


When lunch time came, they were both pretty starved so they decided to order some food in.

"I thought you're planning on holing in your room the whole day."

They found the teasing Lia arranging the table and bringing out food containers.

"Just in time. Ryeong's almost here."

"Ryeongie?" Yeji asked as she walked closer to give Lia a quick embrace.

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