Chapter 13

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It was a little after 7PM when Ryujin arrived in her hometown.

She was welcomed by her Dad who looked like he's already about to cry before they could even hug.

"Appa", Ryujin smiled against his chest as he felt his shoulder shake with the embrace. "Don't tell me you're already cryinggg".

She saw her Mom walk out from the kitchen and join the hug.

They spent the next couple of minutes in the middle of the living room. This is the typical scenario whenever she goes home for the breaks and holidays. She hates to admit that she's one of those adults who is still awfully close to their parents, but she is. Sure, they have different opinions on other things but they make it a priority to put Ryujin first. That must be the reason why they were able to accept her sexuality before Ryujin has made peace with it herself.

"I thought for sure you're going to bring a girl home this time. That's why it took you several days to come", her Mom jokes.

They've always been curious about Ryujin's lovelife and this is their subtle way of finding out if their precious daughter has already found someone to date.

What's the point of being a lesbian if you're not dating anyone? Her father would always say.

"Eomma, I told you... these classes are taking a lot of my time."

"Ryujinnie. You know you don't have to spend your free time working, right?" She cannot meet her Mom's eyes as she opened yet another conversation about her part time jobs.

This started a couple of years ago when their shop was struggling due to the global health crisis. She wouldn't consider her family poor, but they aren't rich either. Tuition and rent is already a big expense and Ryujin wanted to help as much as she could so she always makes sure to work part time whenever she has the chance.

"You can ask us for money. We've saved a lot this past year. And someone has contacted us for a possible new customer, we might earn big on this one."

"Eomma, I'm alright. And I would love to hear more about the shop once I've rested a little. For now, let's eat and talk about something fun, okay?"

Her Mom knows that she won't win when her daughter's mind has been decided so she gave in and dropped the topic.

They spent the rest of the night gathered around the living room, rewatching their favorite series.


It's the opposite situation in the Hwang household.

Yeji finally decided to come out of her room 8 hours after she arrived. She came home to an empty house earlier that day and she wasn't really surprised by it. Their house helpers have been ringing her up every two hours asking if she needs anything, or want anything to eat so they can prepare them but she wasn't in the mood for anything.

Their house wasn't that far from her apartment and was only less than an hour drive away but this is the exact reason why she lost all interest in coming home even when she had the time to do so - this place is so empty and dead. No expensive lights or designs, or number of helpers could fill in the fact that there's no life within these gigantic four walls.

She entered the theater room and put on one of her Dad's favorite documentary films, settled herself on the long couch, and dozed to sleep.

A couple of hours later, she was awoken by Jin-young, her old personal bodyguard - who now works as her mom's travel bodyguard.

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