Chapter 34

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"You should've told us beforehand, we could've prepared a feast for you, Ryujin-ah."

Ryujin came home for a surprise visit after deciding to take a couple of weeks off from work.

"And where's Isa? She's not with you?"

Her Mom heard about Isa coming home on their recent catch up a week before the latter's arrival. She has been asking about her since.

"Well... she had to go back to the UK for another project. She said she was sorry for not being able to come and say goodbye."

"Another one? She's only been here for a month."

Ryujin was itching to tell her Mom everything, but kept her mouth shut.

"Yeah, it was urgent. And she'll only be gone for a couple of months this time. She'd be back in no time."

"Well that's good. Don't want her to be away for too long again."

Ryujin could only nod.

After some slight pleading, the brunette was able to convince her Mom to go on a full day trip to the nearby farm.

They packed some food, water and an extra set of clothes before leaving.

Ryujin immediately jumped out of the truck once they got to the place - the long field of greens and the fresh air greeting her. The farm animals wander freely.

She spread her arms, closed her eyes, and basked in the peace that they brought. Despite it being temporary, she's thankful that she'd get to spend a day without worries. She missed being a kid.

Her Mom came to her side soon after, smiling at her as she watched her kid appreciate the view. She could go to the ends of the earth to hide it, but her Mom would sense that something's not right from miles away. The older woman let her be, at least for now.

The brunette opened her eyes and grinned widely as she pulled her Mom to run towards the gazebo where they planned on having their picnic.

Variety of food was spread out on the table as Ryujin put out her mini speaker to play some music.

"This is really nice, Eomma. Thank you for coming with me."

"Of course. We haven't been here since you were a kid." The older woman caressed Ryunin's cheek as the latter took a bite of the watermelon.

They then proceeded to talk about Ryujin's work, how she has been selling out all the slots for the last six exhibits; how she's gaining a lot more presence in the new generation of collectors and how she's getting more demand on portraits; the house, Lia and some details on Isa's return.

"You've grown up a lot. And I'm proud of everything that you've achieved." Her Mom was staring lovingly at her.

That statement made the brunette's eyes teary.

"I'm not sure if I'm proud of myself right now, Eomma." Ryujin admitted.

"I-I hurt someone and gave other people a hard time because of it. I couldn't decide on what to do and I was afraid that I might cause a lot more harm."

She rested her head on her Mom's shoulder.

"I still am afraid, Eomma. And I still don't know what to do."

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