Chapter 37

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Exactly two weeks after hanging out with Yeji at Mapo-gu, Ryujin found herself standing discreetly beside the entrance of the museum – looking out for the cat-eye's arrival.

She's hosting a big open house exhibit today, and it features some of the works of the biggest artists in Seoul - including hers. She has spent a lot of time in the preparation and even had a few sleepless nights to choose and perfect the pieces that she'll include.

In between, she would get into conversations with Yeji on the phone. She would call the cat-eye to ask for her opinion about certain colors, how she interprets unfinished pieces, and would even make excuses to send her messages asking for song recommendations that could keep her awake during long nights of finishing her art.

She sent a group invite for the three but made sure to bring it up specifically with Yeji during one of their conversations.

The cat-eye promised to make time and come.

Hence, Ryujin's growing excitement as the event's date nears and her, now, budding anxiety since Yeji hasn't arrived yet.

"Boss, we'll start in 15. You might want to take your place." Her assistant approached her for the nth time.

Just as she was about to walk back inside, she saw her - a hint of panic in her eyes as she checked her watch. Despite that, she still looked dazzling as ever. She was wearing a black and white dress accentuated by buckle details that screamed artsy and edgy.

Ryujin had almost forgotten how eye-catching the cat eye could be, especially when she's dressed up - evident by the many heads turning to glance at her as she walked past the flock of people gathered outside.

"You're just in time", the brunette amusingly whispered to herself as she turned back to take her place beside the stage.

On the other side of the room where the three were seated, Yeji was being teased and questioned as if she's in the hot seat.

Her best friends have been asking her non-stop questions, trying to pry at whatever's going on with her and a certain brunette.

She isn't one to tell stories but apparently, Ryujin was so exhausted from painting the other day and accidentally fell asleep as she was waiting for Lia to fetch her - her phone out in the open and Yeji's name was seen on the notification bar as it lit up.

Since they started talking again, both of them seemed to decide individually not to tell their friends about the constant exchanges that they've been having.

I mean, there isn't anything to tell... yet? At least that was what Yeji was thinking. She didn't want to assume anything or to get the wrong impressions, and possibly hurt herself at it. And the brunette seemingly shared the same sentiments.

"She hasn't even greeted us when we arrived, haven't walked over to ask how we're doing", Lia said in a knowing tone.

Yeji only looked at her confused.

"Because she was busy guarding the door from the side, waiting for you to arrive."

The cat-eye couldn't help the small smile that formed on her lips.

Was she really? She thought to herself.

"You know, for two people who already dated each other before, both of you surely move really slooow." She prolonged the last syllable to emphasize it.

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