Chapter 26

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Disclaimer: Time Jump, Flashbacks

"You should've told me last night, you dummy." Lia was trying her best to make the coat look decent as she continued to press the cloth with the iron.

In a few hours, Ryujin and her best friend are set to walk the stage and graduate. Sometimes, she still wonders how she was able to crawl through senior year.

The first several months were the toughest.

She had her first break up three months before starting the new academic year and she has spent the whole break holed up in her room. She temporarily stopped attending dance classes and her parents even came to Seoul to visit. But the heartbreak was too much to handle back then.

"At least try and eat something, Ryujin-ah", Lia has been pleading since it has been 2 days since her last meal.

Eventually, her best friend resorted to calling her parents over. They arrived a day after the call.

When Ryujin heard her Mom's voice, she ran into her arms and bawled.

"Eomma..." her voice shaking as she cried her heart out.

"S-she said she loved me. She promised she'll stay with me."

Her Mom couldn't help the tears that escaped her eyes as she held her daughter in her arms - her heart breaking with her.

"My daughter..."

She continued to caress the brunette's back until she calmed down and fell asleep.

The day after, her dad had to go home to take care of the shop but her mom stayed for another week. She cooked for Ryujin and Lia and made sure that both of them ate properly. She even prepared side dishes for them to reheat once she leaves.

When her Mom left, the brunette fell back into the same pattern of spending days inside her room, crying or browsing photos of a certain cat-eye, re-reading past conversations, skipping meals and shutting everyone out.

Her first heartbreak.

The first person she has ever loved and committed to.

Whenever she thought of how far they came - from being strangers on the internet to being lovers, she felt amused, and so, so lucky.

At the time, they both felt like they could do anything. Be anyone, love without limits.

At least Ryujin felt that.

She wakes up and tucks herself to bed feeling contented and safe.

That is - until one of them decided to give up.

Her best friend remained patient with her. Lia knew that there was an added pain when Ryujin discovered that she and Chaeryeong knew about Yeji's departure. But she forgave them, anyway.

Eventually, the pain subsided.

Just like all the other emotions that either go away, or get better with time.

Ryujin started to slowly go back to her routine.

Because she limited her activities and has basically only talked to Lia, her parents and her professors for months, she was able to focus on the things that needed her attention.

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