Chapter 8

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Yeji was so absorbed with the topic she was studying that she didn't notice Ryujin's arrival.

The other girl stood and appreciated the view for a couple of seconds before saying hi.


Yeji looked up with the same poker face and ushered Ryujin to sit.

"I'm glad to see you, too." The other girl grinned at her. Yeji finds it amusing that her snub behavior hasn't rubbed off on Ryujin. She's always still so... happy to see her. Whatever the reason may be.

She closed her book and put it inside her bag.

"I didn't perceive you as someone who's so focused on her studies. You're almost like a nerd." Ryujin teased.

"Less talking about me. More talking about what you want help with." Yeji finally spoke.

"So... what is it that you're so keen on learning about the casual scene?"

Ryujin shrunk to her chair a little - obviously taken aback by Yeji's straightforward question.

"Um... I don't really know. I'm not sure. I'm hoping you can lead the conversations from here? If that's okay." The earlier answered honestly.

Yeji could see that she's uncomfortable, which is new. She must've stepped forward despite her doubts and Yeji grew curious why she wanted her help so bad.

"Alright" Yeji started in a softer tone. "You said you haven't met anyone worthy enough to be in a relationship with, right?"

"That's not-"

Yeji cut her off before she could argue. "So you want to see if you can do casual and experience things?" she airquoted the last part as she remembered Ryujin using that exact word.

Ryujin nodded.

They spent the next hour with Ryujin asking questions and Yeji answering them.

Yeji learned that Ryujin have almost zero experience in physical or emotional relationships. She has kissed a boy before, but only because she was forced to. Some kind of highschool game or something. And she didn't even enjoy it.

She only recently accepted her sexuality, too. It was hardest to admit it to herself but her parents are pretty understanding about it.

When Ryujin was done with her line of questions, it was Yeji's turn to ask.

"So, who's the girl?"

Ryujin gave her a confused look.

"You've lived 21 years of your life without anyone except for family and friends. And suddenly, you became curious about intimacy. There must be someone."

Ryujin's eyes grew wide and she felt her heart beating out of her chest.

It's you. Hwang Yeji. It's you.

She couldn't think of anyone else and the same words were repeating in her head.

"Woah. You look scared. She's either someone I know, or someone you're not supposed to be with. So you don't have to tell me. I don't wanna get tangled in all that. I wish you luck, though."

Yeji started to gather her things and leave. She stood up and glanced towards the other girl who opened a Taxi App on her phone.

"Where do you live?"

It took a second for Ryujin to realize that Yeji was talking to her.

"Uh... I live on the 8th, near that bar."

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