Chapter 25

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A week later, five of them gathered in a restaurant that Yeji chose. She set the dinner for some sort of announcement.

"So you really won't tell your girlfriend what this dinner is for?" Ryujin has been bugging her girlfriend for details on their way to the restaurant.

The cat eye chuckled. "Jagi... I told you to be patient."

The other girl pouted and retreated to her seat. "Alright, I'll wait then."

Yeji already decided to tell Ryujin about her departure after exams week. But she wanted to take her out on a trip first. She asked the others to tag along so they could spend one good getaway together before she tells the brunette everything.

When they arrived at the place, the three were already seated.

They exchanged greetings and ordered their food.

"Alright", Yeji started while they waited for their food.

"I really just want to hang out with you guys again. Here and somewhere else."

The four of them waited. Lia glanced towards Ryujin and the latter shrugged - letting her know that she has no idea, either.

"So I want to invite you guys to a beach house that our family owns. We can stay there for a week during the short break. Everything has been taken care of."

Yuna was the first to react. "That sounds nice! I definitely need some vacation from the exams."

The rest agreed and started to thank Yeji.

Ryujin, however, was a bit confused why her girlfriend had to gather them all outside to invite them on a simple trip.

"Although..." The cat-eye continued. "It's a little far. From here."

"So you need help driving? That's fine", Lia offered.

"I already arranged the private plane."

The rest of them had to double take to make sure that she heard her right.

"Because the place is in Okinawa. Japan."

Their eyes went wide with the information except for Chaeryeong who only sported a wide smile upon finding out that she'll be able to visit that house again. She has been there once when they were still kids.

"In J-Japan?"

Yeji nodded.

"I hope that's okay."

Yuna squealed and stood up to hug the cat-eye. "I've been wanting to visit Japan! That sounds amazing!"

Ryujin and her best friend looked at each other and shared a smile.

"What do you need us to do, Jagi? You can't take care of everything." The brunette gave her a reassuring smile.

"Just be there, and I'd be happy."



Fast forward to 2 weeks later, the group found themselves seated on the Hwang's private plane.

It still feels so surreal that Yeji is this rich, and that this is probably one of the only few times that she actually willingly utilized her family's resources.

Yeji plopped down Ryujin's side and handed her a drink.

"You alright?"

The brunette nodded as she took a sip of her drink. "It just feels... surreal. That you own this plane. And the house that we'll go to. And the hundreds of acres surrounding it, too."

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