Chapter 30

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Business went well.

After the studio opening, it didn't take them long to earn back their expenses and actually make profit. Two years and the place easily became one of the most visited studios in the city.

The pair didn't have to try and expand, the franchisers did it for them. They got a lot of requests and proposals for franchises that they had to jump start the paperwork in granting them.

They have been earning royalty and marketing fees from them and this granted them more freedom both in their time and in their finances. For one, they both were able to acquire more investments and stocks from the leading companies in each industry.

They also now have a lot more time to do leisurely things. Aside from dancing, Aeri busied herself with traveling and learning something from each culture that she visits.

"Don't tell me you're at that coffee shop again. Yeji-ah, don't hide! I can see the same ceiling from the corner of the screen." Her best friend commented as they were having their usual catch up.

"Well, maybe stop looking at my screen and enjoy Finland instead", Yeji clapped back. "There's a lot to see there so make use of your days properly before you head on to the next destination."

Aeri has been away for a year - doing a tour of the countries that she planned on visiting. She has been traveling since they started running the business remotely, barely doing anything but earning.

All the while, Yeji stayed home, monitoring the business and doing just the most mundane things she enjoys - sitting in a coffee shop reading a book, for one.

This has been her routine every weekend as weekdays are reserved for her morning bicycle rides, general house cleaning, laundry, supermarket runs and sometimes, if she's feeling a bit melancholy, she would visit her favorite vintage shops to buy some vinyls. Vinyls are also her thing now. She's been collecting a lot of those and listening to them at the house during her down time. She has a lot of that now, too.

She would sit by the couch in her favorite window - looking out at the lights brought about by the vehicles traveling around the city. People passing by as they chatted their way through the long roads of Manhattan after a day of work. The disappearing lights of the nearby buildings as the night goes deep.

When it rains, Yeji would close her eyes as she listens to the faint sound of the rain that blends with whatever her phonograph is playing. Sometimes, she would peek out of the window to look at the rushed strangers running their way towards shelter - the nearby bus stop, a restaurant's front, a subway entrance, another person running towards them with an umbrella and a laugh.

Sometimes, she would think of Ryujin.

She would smile at the thought of her getting impatient while waiting in the rain but breaks out in a grin, anyway, once the cat eye arrives.

That specific grin that she used to only does for Yeji - whisker-like creases forming on her cheek as her eyes disappear.

Sometimes, she would be reminded of how her breath felt on her palms as the brunette tries her best to warm her hands during winter.

She would go to bed a little less happy and tucks herself while ignoring the slight pang in her chest.

Some days are harder than others.

Some days, she would yearn endlessly for the brunette's comforting hug - the way her thumb would brush across her back.

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