Chapter 17

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Yeji didn't know how she ended up meeting Ryujin's best friend but here she is - sitting at a table with her as they wait for Chaeryeong and the other dancers in their class.

Because she intentionally secluded herself from almost all the other people who wanted to be friends with her, she didn't know how to act now that she's meeting Lia for the first time.

"Are you okay?"

The other girl could feel that Yeji had been thinking about striking up a conversation but couldn't.

Yeji nodded but couldn't meet Lia's eyes. "Do you want to order first? I'm not sure what time they'll be here."

"I'm alright with waiting." Lia is growing more concerned about Yeji that she had to literally hold her still and assure her.

"I won't bite, it's okay. I like that Ryujin ended up dating you for real."

Yeji sat back in her chair with a sigh of relief.

"Ryujin told me that you're not a very sociable person." Yeji snapped her head to look at Lia with that statement.

"Her words, not mine", the other girl continued. "So I know it took a lot more effort to meet me and the other girls here."

Soon after, Chaeryeong and several members of the dance class arrived.

It will be Ryujin's birthday next week and Yeji is planning to host a small gathering in her apartment. Yeji could definitely make it bigger but she didn't want to overwhelm the brunette.

She also spent the last several days talking to her parent's assistants about finding the best canvases, easels and art materials. Ryujin has yet to show Yeji her works but she has seen snaps of some. And she wanted to give her the best materials to create more.

"Guys, you all know Yeji. Well she's now Ryujin's... uhm..." Chaeryeong paused.


Was she about to say girlfriend?


Am I?

Yeji thought to herself.

They've never really talked about it yet, as part of that "taking it slow" process. But it also didn't cross Yeji's mind to ask because she has no idea how, and when to do so.

"They're a thing now", Chaeryeong finished and sat down. Some of the girls looked surprised, some offered kind smiles and some complimented how they looked good together.

Yeji has never messed around with any of the girls from Chaer's class, and she's glad that she didn't. It was sort of an unspoken rule between the two of them. Most of them, however, are aware that the cat-eye doesn't commit. And that she sleeps around. So it must be amusing to some of them that she is actually dating Ryujin.

"So... what are we doing here again?" Yuna innocently asked.

"Oh, yeah" Yeji spoke up and gathered everyone's attention. "It's Ryujin's birthday next week and I was wondering if you all would be down for a small gathering at her apartment?"

They waited for her to continue, and she realized that she hadn't really thought about the details that much, and cannot share anything else.

"U-uhm. I'm not really good at this but I've decided to take care of everything.I would really like for Ryujin's close friends to be there, though. That's why I asked to meet you guys."

Changes and ChancesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz