Chapter 16

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"2nd date already? You just saw her the other day." Lia teased as she saw her best friend rushing to get dressed right after putting her stuff down.

"And slow down, will you? She isn't going anywhere. You're already dating her."

Ryujin smirked towards her best friend as she struggled to choose what to wear. She did hang out with Yeji a couple of days prior, and she couldn't wait to see her again.

Their first date was subtle. They both agreed to take it slow and so they decided to hang out in their usual coffee shop and talk.

Ryujin is aware that Yeji is very private and prefers not to share much about her personal life, so she respected her boundaries on that and took over the storytelling. In between her stories, though, she appreciated whenever Yeji shared something on her own. Something related to what Ryujin was talking about, or something she randomly remembered.

It was also nice seeing the softer side of the cat-eyed girl. The usual Yeji exudes authority and, if she's being honest, she's also very intimidating. This is because of her straightforward demeanor, and because she always has the certainty of what she wants.

For their second date, Ryujin decided to take Yeji to Seokchon Lake. For someone who has lived in Seoul longer than her, Yeji sure doesn't know a lot of places in Seoul. Except for the clubs, of course.

They agreed to take the subway and meet at the station but Ryujin is already running late. She rushed and ran for her life as she looked at the clock.


It's already half an hour past their agreed time. If anything, she doesn't want to trigger Yeji's impatience.

But when she arrived at the station, she was surprised to see the cat-eye waiting calmly for her. She's sitting on one of the benches with her headphones on, swaying slightly to whatever she's listening to as she watches strangers passing by.

It was a very charming view and Ryujin could spend hours just standing there, looking at her. She took her phone out and took a quick snap as Yeji coincidentally looked in her direction and smiled.

She put her hand on her chest in an attempt to joke that she's having a heart attack, but she was pretty sure that she really was.

"Had to check if my heart was still here after that smile", Ryujin greeted as Yeji opened her arms to give her a quick hug and whispered a small "Hii".

They boarded the train after the quick hellos and it took them less than 10 minutes to arrive.

Yeji's eyes lit up as she saw the view. The sun was starting to set and the beautiful colors illuminate across the quiet lake. They settled on one of the benches and Ryujin couldn't help but appreciate the real view beside her.

She looks so giddy, I might have to keep her forever.

Yeji's head snapped towards her and smirked. "You'd like to keep me forever?"

The brunette's eyes grew wide realizing that she said that out loud. "U-Uhm."

"Now don't go stuttering on me, Ryujin-ah."

"I must tell you, though", Yeji continued. "I am very difficult to keep."

Ryujin placed her hand on Yeji's head and ruffled her hair a little. "I'm pretty sure I've handled more difficult things in life. And I adore you too much, so I don't really mind."

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